
Higgins, Dick

Book (14 Schede)

Code FX0581   Artist's book / Performance

Printing Songs (1965)


"All of 'em for Alison too"
Self ephemeral publication
Electronic mimeographed chapbook,
pp. 3, 28 x 21.5 cm.

Part of the "Ring Binder. Dick Higgins-Ephemera", No. FX0189

Note: In 1965 Alison Knowles, my Fluxus friend and wife,
was making paintings and other art works using
silk screens/serigraphy. I decided to make some performance pieces
for her which also used silk screens. The piece was only done once,
at the State university of New York at Albany in 1968.

Bibl.: D. Higgins, "Bio/Bibliography", Barrytown, New York 1992, p. 38 ; "Fluxus at 50", exhibition catalogue, Wiesbaden, 2012, p. 99.

title page

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