
Higgins, Dick

Book (14 Schede)

Code FX0044 1/2   Book

Novalis, Hymns to the Night


1. Book, 1978
    Published by Treacle Press, New Paltz
    Translated by D. Higgins
    of Novalis Hymne an die Nacht
    pp. 43, 12.6 x 19.6 cm.  
    First edition, signed and numbered
    ISBN 09142322233
2. Revised Edition, 1984
    Published by McPherson & Company, N.Y.
    pp. 56, 22.2 x 14.5 cm.
    ISBN 0914232673

Bibl.: D. Higgins, "Bio/Bibliography", Barrytown, New York 1992, p. 25.
