Catalogue (153 Schede)
Code FXC0565 Document Collective
ReFLUX editions: publications
Edited by Barbara Moore
1. Backworks catalogues, New York
a. "Was ist Backworks?", 1976
pp. 32, 27 x 21 cm.
b. "Performance: photographs of a decade 1959-69", 1977
pp. 24, 27 x 21 cm.
c. "Our line of very expensive merchamdise", 1978
pp. 8, 43 x 29 cm.
d. "Yam Festival", 1979
pp. 8, 28 x 21.5 cm.
2. Advertising flyers
a. "Performance: photographs of a decade 1959-69", 1977
Printed paper, 28 x 21 cm.
b. "Interview with George Maciunas
A videotape by Larry Miller", 1978
B/w offset on white paper, 28 x 21.5 cm.
c. "Two extraordinary publishing events from ReFlux Editions
A Box of Smile by Yoko Ono / Fluxus 1"
B/w offset on white folder, 28 x 21.5 cm.
Label with Michael Gibbs' address, 1984
d. Backworks postcard
Printed cardboard, 9 x 14 cm.
e. Backworks letterhead
Printed paper, 28 x 21 cm.
Two different versions
f. Postcard, no. FXC6733
Printed cardboard, 10.5 x 16 cm.
3. Catalogues
a. No. 1 - Fall,1983
Designed by Brian Buczak
pp. unnumbered
b. No. 3 - Fall, 1988
pp. unnumbered
The cover bears an annotation in Moore's hand,
with annotations throughout
c. "ReFlux Editions at Printed Matter"
Box shaped catalogue for the ReFlux Editions, New York, 2002
Transparent plastic box, 9.5 x 12 x 2 cm.
containing pieces of various editions and folded list
of publications
Works list in the collection:
- E. Andersen, "50 opera", No. 0666E-2
- G. Brecht, "Games & puzzles":"Bead puzzle", No. 0053E-4
- W. De Ridder, "Paper fluxwork", No. 0179E-3
- K. Friedman, "Open and shut case", No. 1255E
- A. Hutchins, "Jewelry fluxkit", No. 0089E
- T. Kosugi, "Events", No. 0181E
- F. Lieberman, "Divertevents one", No. FXC2400
- G. Maciunas, "Burglary fluxkit", No. 0113E
- G. Maciunas, "New Fluxyear", No. 0175E-2
- G. Maciunas, P. Moore and.., "Maciunas Fluxdeck", No. 0113S
- P. Moore, "Photographix mask of Maciunas", No. 0531E
- P. Moore, "Yoko's cheeks", No. 0171S
- Y. Ono, "A box of smile", No. 0709E
- M. Shiomi, "Fluxfilm No. 4: Disappearing..", No. FXM0326-3
- M. Shiomi, "Water music", No. 0422E-3
- P. Sharits, "Flux Wall Poem", No. 0047
- B. Vautier, "Dirty water", No. 1395E
- B. Vautier, "Flux holes", No. 0687E-2
- Y. Wada, "Smoke Fluxkit", No. 0425E
- R. Watts, "Hospital events", No. 1211E
- R. Watts, "Fluxatlas", No. 1205E
- J. Coke's Farmer's Co-op, No. 1000E
- B. Moore, "Cookpot", No. FXC1694
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