Corner, Philip / Jones, Joe / Vostell, Wolf / and others
Catalogue (153 Schede)
Code FXC3259 Audio Collective / Catalogue Collective
El espacio del sonido. El tiempo de la mirada
Exhibition catalogue
Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Donostia - San Sebastiàn
29 July - 25 September 1999
Publishewd by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
pp. 122, 22 x 25 cm.
containing Audio CD
Programe notes:
- L. Anderson, " The Handphone table"
Length: 5'50''
- P. Corner, "Ear paper(s)", No. FXM2389
Length: 3'36''
- J. A. Orts, "Espiral en Re menor"
Length: 5'45''
- Qin Yufen, "Yan Se de chuam qi bai"
Length: 4'14''
- J. Jones, "Guitar", No. FXM2388
Length: 1'32''
- W. Vostel "Fluxus-Sinfonie fur 40 Hoovers", No. FXM2387
Length: 4'27''
- Lugan, "Tres grifos sonoros"
Length: 4'28''
- C. Kubish, "The bird tree"
Length: 5'01''
- R. Julius, "Black (Red) singing
Length: 3'54''
- Lugan, "Emisiones radioeléctricas"
Length: 1'10''
- R. Adrian, "Green Light"
Length: 5'10''
- P. Vogel, "Schatenorchester III"
Length: 4'22''
Copyright © Collective Fluxus, All rights reserved