Concerto per Chiari e Calore

Centrale Fies (Dro - TN), February 23th, 2023

语 指南

At 8:00 pm on February 23th, 2023, the artist Giovanni Morbin will act the performance “Concerto per Chiari e Calore” at Centrale Fies, a poetic and extremely delicate homage to Giuseppe Chiari (1926-2007), composer and conceptual artist who in the 1960s he collaborated with the artists of the international Fluxus movement, thanks to his practice of interaction between music, language, gesture and image. Chiari, over the years, has made intermedia the figure of his artistic practice and of his research, linked to the creation of a series of statements and phrases that question the very status of the work of art. Moving on the border between provocation and nonsense, they do not close the discourse in an assertive way, but rather open a participatory and ironic dialogue with the public, a dialogue that Giovanni Morbin - albeit with a different, poetic and at the same time sharp edge - knows how to re-propose and re-launch with its practices.

The performance and the homonymous edition of Morbin - produced by Fondazione Bonotto - was conceived on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the artist Giuseppe Chiari's participation in the Festum Fluxorum. Musik und anti-Musik das Instrumentale Theater of February 1963 in Dusseldorf.


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