
Vostell, Wolf

Book (3 Schede)

Code FXPH0017   Performance

Endogene Depression (version Los Angeles)


Documentation of the environment
22 b/w silver gelatin photos by David Vostell,
24 x 30 cm. or 30 x 24 cm.

Regarding the installation with various televisions
and radios encased in cement and turkeys left to wander
around the exhibition. Three of the images show the entire
environment showing the birds looking antropomophically
"confused," the rest are close ups of the individual aspects
and encased electronics, and, of course, more turkeys.

Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695

Bibl.: "Vostell y la musica," exhibition catlogue, Museo Vostell Malpartida, 2002-2003, p.158.
