
Vostell, Wolf

Book (3 Schede)

Code FX0557   Artist's book

Fluxus Zug


Documentation about Zug-Happenings
inside the artist's project "Das Mobile Museum Vostell"

1. Unrealized happening's project, 1971
    Map and plan for an unrealized Zug-Happening in Canada,
    from Vancouver to Montreal
    B/w photo, 13 x 18 cm.
    Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695

2. Letter, February 1981
     "Fluxus Zug / Das Mobile Museum Vostell" letterhead
     handwritten by the artist and addressed to Wolfgang Baecker
     The text suggests a Zug-catalogue project
     One sheet of paper, 30 x 21 cm.
     Signed and dated
     Archived into the artist's book "Vostell. Fluxus Zug"

3. Artist's Book "Vostell. Fluxus Zug", 1981
    Including drawings, photos and projects
    from the nomadic happening
    "7 Environments über Liebe Tod Arbeit"
    performed in sixteen cities, from Dortmund to Bonn,
    May 1 / September 29, 1981
    Texts by: W. Vostell, E. de Sousa, W. Salber, J. Shilling,
    R. Erny, K. Richter, D. von Gottberg, G. F. Schwarzbauer
    pp. 159, 30.5 x 24 cm.

4. Photographic documentation of the Zug-happenings:
     a. "Vostell in Hamburg"
       Two b/w photos by P. Newmann, 24 x 30.5 cm.
        Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695
      b. Die Engel" (Angel)
       One b/w photo of the artist in his studio in Berlin, 18 x 24 cm.
       Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695
     c. "Die Winde / Video-Mercedes" (Winds / Video-Mercedes)
       Four b/w photos by David Vostell, various dimensions
       Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695
      d. "Die Feuer" (Fire)
       Photo of the project, 39 x 50 cm.

See also Photographic documentation No. FXPH0695

1. Unrealized project

2. Letter

2. back

3. Artist's Book

Projects - Happening stages


Die Flüsse

Die Tänze

Die Winde

Die Steine

Die Wolken

Die Feuer


4.a Vostell in Hamburg

4.b Die Engel

4.c Die Winde

4.c Die Winde

4.c Die Winde

4.c Die Winde

4.d Die Feuer
