
Vostell, Wolf

Book (3 Schede)

Code FXPH0081 1/2   Announcement / Performance

Sun in your head


Film-event at Leidscheplein Theater, Amsterdam, Jan. 11

1. Announcement, 1964
    designed with parallel actions

2. Photographic Documentation, 2009
    Two b/w photos by Igno Cuypers, various dimensions
    Re-edited by Galerie A / artKitchen, Amsterdam
    One signed Proof AP 3/3
    Archived in Ring Binder "Wolf Vostell. Environments - Happenings 1", No. FXPH0695

See also Video, No. FXM0269

Bibl.: "Das Theater ist auf der Straße", exhibition catalogue, Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen and Museum Vostell Malpartida, 2010, p. 159

1. announcement

2. photo

