Shiomi, Mieko
Document (9 Schede)
Code 0582 1/4 Unique
An Embryo of Music
Curated by the artist and Massimo Lunardon, Molvena:
1. Three glass bottles
with seven letters on the corks, pendant
and a music tape with following music:
- # 5 "Barcarolle", Mendelssohn INT 30
- # 7 "Polonaise", Chopin INT 26
- # 8 "Capriccio", Sibelius CRT 11
A list of the twelve pieces of musics printed on
cardboard and glued on wood base, signed.
Box: 45 x 40 x 13 cm.
2. One glass bottle
with seven letters on the corks, pendant,
a music tape and audio cd set with following music:
- #6 "Minuetto", Mozart INT. 20, 21, 22
A list of the twelve pieces of music printed on
cardboard and glued on wood base, signed.
Box: 56.5 x 10 x 10 cm.
- Audio
Length: 23'51''
3. Project with the instructions:
Two sheets and cardboards with a drawing,
Included in "Mieko Shiomi correspondence documents biography" no. FX0674
4. Photographic documentation
Various color photo, 7 x 15 cm.
Included in "Mieko Shiomi correspondence documents biography" no. FX0674
Exh.: 2012, Chiasso (#1); 2019, London (#2).
Bibl.: "Fluxus. A Creative Revolution 1962-2012", Chiasso, 2012, p. 272 (#1) ; "Dissonances", Fondazione Mudima, Milan, 2008, p. 177.
Copyright © Shiomi, Mieko, All rights reserved