
Patterson, Ben

Book (2 Schede)

Code FXM0569   Performance

A Simple Opera


1. Score
    "The Lago di Como version", 1999
    Photocopy printed
    29.5 x 42 cm.
    Archived in ring binder "B. Patterson. Performances

2. Video, documentation during:
    - "Fluxus nel Veneto", Bassano del Grappa, 1995, No. FXC0177
    - "V Festival Internacional de Arte de Acción", Madrid, 2008

3. Audio, included in:
    - "Early Works", 1999, No. FXM0118
       Audio CD
       Length: 15'51"
       Narrator: Ben Patterson Orchestra: G. Bonomo, P. Corner,
        F. Costantino, W. Marchetti, D. Mosconi, P. Neville, A. Ormea,
        E. Roncucci. Recorded at Massive Art Studio, Milan, April 1999

   - "Born in the State of FLUX/us", 2012, No. FX0504
       Audio CD 2
       Length: 15'56''

See also Ben Patterson's Performances No. FX3421

Bibl.: B. Stegmayer, "Ben Patterson. Event Scores", Bonn, 2012, pp. 171-175


2. Fluxus nel Veneto

V Festival Internacional

3. Audio
