
Mac Low, Jackson

Document (6 Schede)

Code FX0635   Document

Correspondence / documentation / bio-bibliography


1. Curriculum vitae, 1978
    Seven sheets typed with
    a pen corrections by the artist

2. Contract, 1980
    Between J. Mac Low, R. Chiessi and F. Conz
    for the realization of a portfolio of serigraphs
    entitled: "Omaggi a Bernini"
3. Biography, from 1922 to 1992
    22 printed sheets, 28 x 21.5 cm.

4. Cuttings of scores
     Several cuttings of scores containing:
     - Piano suite for David Tudor & John Cage
     - A little sermon on the performance of Simultaneities
     - Punctuationmark numbers
     - Heavens
     - One Hundred

5. Photo
     Colored photo by Anne Tardos
     Summer 1980
     9 x 12.5 cm.

1. curriculum vitae

2. contract

3. biography

4. Cuttings of scores

5. Photo
