Maciunas, George
Edition (33 Schede)
Code FX1651 1/3 Announcement / Performance
1. "Fluxmass" 1970, USA
Event at Voorhees Chapel, Douglass College, New Brunswick, N.J.
Performers: Ay-O, G. Hendricks, D. Higgins, J. Jones,
M. Knížák, A. Knowles, G. Maciunas, L. Miller,
Y. Wada, R. Watts and others
a. Disguise
Larry Miller in "Gorilla mask and gloves"
Rehearsal at 80 Wooster St. for event at Douglass College
B/w photo by L. Miller signed, 25 x 20 cm
b. Part of the poster, 1970, No. FX1014
Edited for Fluxus Editions, New York
B/w offset on white paper, 39.4 x 31.6 cm
2. "Die Flux-Messe" 2002, Germany
Event at "Kirche des Humors", Wiesbaden-Erbenheim
Organized by G. Hendricks with M. Knížák, A. Noël,
B. Patterson, T. Saito, E. Williams and Fluxus friends
a. Program poster
Colour offset on white paper, 68 x 48.5 cm
Signed by two organizers: B. Patterson and G. Hendricks
b. Program flyer
Colour offset on white paper, 28.5 x 20.4 cm
c. Fluxpress, 2002
Various documents
d. Outline of Fluxmass
Three printed sheets bound with staples
e. Photographic documentation
Twelve b/w photos signed by F. Garghetti No. FXC0017
and some by G. Hendricks, 30 x 24 cm. each
- Discussion by G. Hendricks with participants
- Rehearsal of T. Saito
- Event "Fluxmass" by T. Saito, E. Williams, B. Patterson
- Portraits
- Composition of 4 b/w photos by F. Garghetti
70 x 28 cm
3. "Fluxmass" 2003, USA
Event at Voorhees Chapel, Douglass College, New Brunswick, N.J.
Performers: Y. Wada. C. Schneemann, and others
a. Program folded
B/w offset on white paper, 28.5 x 21.5 cm.
b. Documentation
Various sizes
Included in ring binder "Fluxmass by G. Maciunas"
Bibl.: J. Hendricks, "Fluxus Codex", Detroit-New York, 1988, p.333 ; G.Hendricks, "Critical Mass. Happenings, Fluxus, Performance, Intermedia and Rutgers University 1958-1972", Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2003, p.135, p.196.
Copyright © Maciunas, George, All rights reserved