
Lora Totino, Arrigo

Periodical (22 Schede)

Code 2226 1/10   Artist's book

Corpi di poesia. Fonemi plastici


Series of artwork books:

  1.  "L'eèillì (1967)", 1968
       Fonema plastico n. 1
       Second edition
       Silkscreen on plexiglass,
       25 x 25 x 25 cm.
       Numbered 99/100

  2.  "eé (1967)", 1999
       Fonema plastico n. 2
       Republished by the artist
       Silkscreen on plexiglass,
       20 x 20 x 8 cm.
       Signed and numbered 2/9

  3.  "Sinose (1967)", 1968
       Fonema plastico n. 3
       Silkscreen on plexiglass,
       10,5 x 21,5 x 10,5 cm.
       Numbered 86/100

  4.  "Silenziovoce (1967)", 1968
       Fonema plastico n. 4
       Second edition
       Silkscreen on plexiglass,
       15 x 15 x 15 cm.
       Numbered 5/100

  5.  "Orientare (1974)", 1999
       Republished by the artist
       Engraving on plexiglass,
       24.5 x 24.5 x 4 cm.

  6.  "Attimo (1975)", 2000
        Republished by the artist
        Engraving on plexiglass,
        10.5 x 12 x 12 cm.

  7.  "Pioggia piange sole ride (1975)", 1999
        Republished by the artist
        Engraving on plexiglass,
        20.5 x Ø 11 cm.

  8.  "Luce-ombra", 1999
        Published by the artist
        Engraving on plexiglass,
        26 x 42 x 20 cm.
        Signed and numbered 1/2

  9.  "The Moon at Noon - The Might of Night", 1999
        Published by the artist
        Engraving on plexiglass,
        13 x 30 x 25 cm.

10.  "Poema occulto", 2000
        Published by the artist
        Silkscreen on plexiglass,
        20 x 20 x 20 cm.

The artist considers these works as artist's books
See the complete list of artist's books at No. PV0904

See also Document No PV3220

1. L'eèillì

2. eé

3. Sinose

4. Silenziovoce

5. Orientare

6. Attimo

7. Pioggia piange sole ride

8. Luce-ombra

9. The Moon at Noon...

10. Poema occulto
