
Higgins, Dick

Book (14 Schede)

Code 0281E   Artist's book / Performance

Variations on a Natural Theme for Orchestra


Published by Printed Editions, New York
Music scores and instructions
for performance (twenty-eight variation)
pp. 36, 33.5 x 28 cm.
Signed with dedication "for my brother in Fluxus, W. Vostell"

Part of "Music and Musical Graphics", No. 0182E

"This work for standard orchestra is intended to be performed direct
from the graphic notation. The orchestral parts are superimposed
over a set of twenty-eight visual images made from photographs of a
female nude, interpreted according to a set of very explicit instructions,
to minimize any improvisatory tendency." D.H.






Second Variatins

Third Variations

Fourth Variations

Fifth Variations

Sixth Variations

Seventh Variations

Eighth Variations

Ninth Variations

Tenth Variations

Eleventh Variations

Twelfth Variations

Thirteenth Variations

Fourteenth Variations

Fifteenth Variations

Sixteenth Variations

Seventeenth Variations

Eighteenth Variations

Nineteenth Variations

Twentieth Variations

Twenty-First Variation

Twenty-Second Variations

Twenty-Third Variations

Twenty-Fourth Variations

Twenty-Fifth Variations

Twenty-Sixth Variations

Twenty-Seventh Variations

Twenty-Eighth Variations
