
Giorno, John

Edition (5 Schede)

Code 2356E 1/9   Edition

Poem prints


Published by Durham Press Inc., Durham, Pennsylvania
Wooden box, 41 x 41 x 3.5 cm.
containing 9 silkscreens on cardboards
Each 36.5 x 36.5 cm.
Signed and numbered 24/70

1. "I don't need it. I don't want it and you cheated me out of it"
2. "That gun's got blood in its hole"
3. "We gave a party for the gods and the gods all came"
4. "Sugar, alcohol, meat & cigarettes"
5. "Nothing recedes like success"
6. "It's worse than I thought"
7. "I'm waiting in line with my groceries and
    I want to get away without incident"

8. "Life is a killer"
9. "Put your ear to stone and open your heart to the sky"


1. I don't need..

2. That gun's..

3. We gave..

4. Sugar, alcohol..

5. Nothing recedes

6. It's worse..

7. I'm waiting

8. Life is a killer

9. Put your ear..
