Damen, Herman
Audio (2 Schede)
Code PVM3381 Audio
Verbosonies and Phonographies
Publishhed by Alga Marghen, Milan
12'' vinyl record
also containing the reproduction of the following
documents and works of art:
- Kinetic Pouim (1966), drawing with notes and photos
- What to do with Poetry (1966-69), graphic
- Reveil du Chaos (1967), excerpt of the score with notes
- Betekste Condom (1967), photo of condom poetry
- Six-Vlus (1967), envelope with 5 graphics prints and score excerpt
- Verbophonies and Phonographies (1968), essay
- 40 + Product of Holland (1968), poster
- Capsule-Pouim (1968), micro-poem in plastic envelope
- Ozon (1969), poster
- Psychocybernetic Performance (1973), score and photos
- Beveiliging (1974), collage
- Grands Prix (1974), collage
- Art Dirctor (1974), collage
- De taal vormt het proeven voor (1974), collage
- De Radioaktieve-Vuilnisman (1975), poster
Edition of 220 copies
Audio program notes:
Sida 1 - Verbosonies
- Automatom-Pouim
Length 1'44''
- Voices
Length 9'01''
- Monologue-Machine
Length 5'56''
- Magic
Length 3'45''
Length 1'01''
Side 2 - Phonographies
- Reveil du Chaos
Length 2'32''
- Hommage a Orff
Length 5'59''
- Psychocybernetic Performance
Length 9'06
Copyright © Damen, Herman, All rights reserved