Corner, Philip
Edition (34 Schede)
Code FXM0005 1/4 Audio
Gong Ear / Earth Breath
Four audio cassettes
with handwritten indications by P. Corner
Music recorded in:
1. Genova, 20 april 20th, 1993
a. Length: 42'32"
b. Length: 45'31"
2. Molvena, 23 April 23th, 1993
Length: 38'15"
3. Molvena, 1993
a. Sept. 6th
"Gong Ear / Earth Breath"
Length: 32'5'0"
b. Sept.10th
"Temporale mattinale: fine dell'estate"
Length: 31'02"
4. Borgo Valsugana, Sept. 20th., 1996
Perfomer: "Alphorn" (Swiss horn) and
"piccolo gong francese"(small French gong)
P. Corner with P. Neville and chorus of
"Montagne della Val di Sella", Borgo Valsugana
Length: 7'30"
Signed with dedication to Luigi
Philp Corner used the audio cassettes
2 and 3 to form the audio for the work
"Temple of the eternal present", No. 0722-1b
Copyright © Corner, Philip, All rights reserved