
Corner, Philip

Audio (70 Schede)


Code FX1345 1/2   Performance / Unique

The seasons, Asolo: autumn


1.  Score
     Twenty drawings relised during the concert
     Mixed media on paper. 42 x 30 cm.
     Each signed by the artist
2. Photographic documentation:
    a. "Passi sui sentieri di ghiaia"
    b. "Foglie secche scricchiano sotto il piede"
    c. "Sanpietrini sconnessi che sbattono"
    d. "Raffiche di vento"
    e. "Macchina per caffè espresso"
    f. "Telefoni portatili"
    g. "Respirare nell'aria fresca"

Included in "ReFluxus. Festival delle Avanguardie" No. FXCPH0003

Music by M. Goldstein and performed by P. Corner

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

1. Score

2.a photo

2.b photo

2.c photo

2.d photo

2.e photo

2.f photo

2.g photo
