Catalogue (339 Schede)
Code PVM0030 Video Collective
Films and videos by Piero Matarrese
Films and Performances' videos
realized by Piero Matarrese
La Perf en Fin, 2008 No. PV0625
Published by Smoking Frog Production, Verona
Book and film by P. Matarrese and P. Peterlini
Deluxe edition and standard version
Length: 60'00"
Around Poetry #1, 2015 No. PVCM0001
Published by Smoking Frog Production, Verona
Directed by P. Matarrese
Storyline by P. Peterlini
Lenght: 56'05''
1. Fernando Aguiar
"A Sonnet Verbo-Voco-Visual Poem
in Three parts" No. PV1741 1
Spoleto, June 30, 1995
Length: 12'20''
2. Bartolomé Ferrando
"Sobre la informació" No. PVM0031
Spoleto, June 30, 1995
Length: 11'49''
3. Eugenio Miccini No. PVM0032
- Interview
- "Un amore sbagliato"
- "Ex Libris"
Spoleto, July 1st, 1995
Length: 12'30"
4. Julien Blaine
"Apocalisse" No. PVM0033
Verona, 1994
Length: 11'04"
5. Emmett Williams No. FXM0668
- "Meditation no. 1"
- "Readings"
Verona, 1997
Length: 22'22''
6. Sarenco
"Readings" No. PVM0034
Verona, 1994
Length: 14'14"
7. Balint Szombathy No. PVM0035
- "Homage to Slavko Matkovic"
- "Homage to the Last Poet"
Spoleto, July 1, 1995
Length: 20'05''
8. Ben Patterson No. FXM0568/3
"Dozen for Carmen"
Zagreb, november 7, 1999
Length: 9'09"
9. Bernard Heidsieck No. PVM0226
- Interview
- "Sisyphe"
- "Partition V"
Spoleto, June 30 and July 1, 1995
Length: 18'00''
10. Julien Blaine No. PVM0223
- Valet de Q
- Iris
Spoleto, June 30, 1995
Length: 17'00''
11. Emmett Williams No. FXM0670
- Interview
- "Meditation no. 1"
Spoleto, June 30 & July 1, 1995
Length: 9'40''
12. Sarenco No. PVM0224
Spoleto, June 30, 1995
Umbertide, July 1, 1995
Length: 24'00''
13. Alain Arias-Misson No. PVM0225
- Interview
- "Angel"
Spoleto, June 30, 1995
Length: 5'15''
14. Gianni-Emilio Simonetti No. FXPH1607
"Ab Ovo"
Mantova, June 1998
Length: 8'29''
15. Alain Arias-Misson No. PVM0227/1
"Poemobile Angelique"
Treviso, September 2005
Length: 2'26''
16. Alain Arias-Misson No. PVM0227/2
Treviso, September 2005
Length: 11'08''
17. Monty Catsin No. PVM0228
"Performance at Sarenco Club"
Verona, October 7, 1998
Length: 28'44''
18. Alain Arias-Misson No. PV1469
"Prato Public Poem"
Piazza San Francesco, Prato, May 31, 1996
Short version, Length: 5'41''
Long Version, Lenght: 15'00''
19. Giuseppe Chiari No. FXM0283
Concert at Teatro di Santa Caterina
Prato, June 21, 1996
Length: 50'01''
20. Joan Brossa No. PVM0109
- Joan Brossa signs the 25 works "Tutto Brossa"
Sarenco Club Art Gallery, 1997
Length: 09'34"
21. Fluxbooks No. FXC1889
Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
March - April 2015
Length: 4'06"
22. Alain Arias-Misson No. PV2281
The Public Sinking of Venice poem
Venice, May 7, 2015
Length: 02'45"
23. Lamberto Pignotti No. PVM0473
"Lamberto Pignotti in performance"
Caffè Giuleppe, Prato, May 17, 1996
Length: 30'17"
24. Poesia totale 1987-1997 No. PVCM0439
Video-catalogue realized on the occasion of exhibition
at Palazzo della Ragione, Mantova, 1998
Length: 59'07"
25. Alain Arias Misson No. PV0419
"The Public Shamanic Sistine Chapel Poem"
Sistine Chapel, Vatican, December 1998
26. Gianni-Emilio Simonetti No. FXPH1608
"Fluxfood Concert in Venice. A Multitasking Performance"
Palazzo Mora, Venice, December 2014
Length: 8'50"
27. Gianni-Emilio Simonetti No. FXM4373
Othermaps Othernearby
Ivrea, 21 March 2015
Length: 4'39"
28. Gianni-Emilio Simonetti No. FXM0707
Multitasking Fluxfood Concert
Gallarate, 9 May 2015
Length: 6'03"
29. Marcel Alocco No. FXM3243
Visit to Marcel Alocco
18 September 2017, Nice
Length: 11'44"
30. Julien Blaine No. PVM1236
Galerie Jean-François Meyer, Marseille
19 September 2017
Length: 11'56"
31. Julien Blaine No. PVM6421, No. PVM6422
Le lange et le linceul (l'ange & l'un seul) & Hommage à Sarenco
Gallerie delle Prigioni, Treviso
20 Febbraio 2019
Length: 21'08"
32. Sarenco No. PVM5090
"Sarenco & the Malindi Connection"
Black Gallery, Verona
October 1996
Length: 10'03''
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