Collezione Poesia > Artisti > Collective Poetry
Lora Totino, Arrigo / De Alexandris, Sandro / Mosso, Leonardo
Catalogue (339 Schede)
Code 0953S 1/9 Artist's book Collective
Le carte del gioco (1966-69)
Published by Agenzia Sirea
Edited by Galleria Martano, Turin
99 numbered copies (from 1 to 99)
10 numbered copies (from I to X)
with original interventions
5 artist's proofs
Cardboard folder, 33.5 x 25.5 x 4 cm.
Signed and numbered 54/99
Containing some reprints,
some original works and one CD:
1. "Gang Gegen, 1966"
Digital reprint on cardboard, 21 x 59 cm.
2. "Logogrammi, 1966"
5 double pages book, 29.5 x 21 cm.
Digital reprint on papers
3. "Cromofonemi, 1967"
Cardboard folder, 29.5 x 21 cm.
containing 7 digital reprints on papers
See also the original
4. "Dilemmi, 1967"
Digital reprint on folded cardboard, 29.5 x 29 cm.
5. "Eco e riverbero, 1967"
Digital reprint on 4 glued cardboards, 29.5 x 21 cm.
6. "Movimento, 1967"
Digital reprint on folded cardboard
Open: 15 x 94.5 cm.
7. "Leonardo Mosso X4, 1969"
From the series "Strutture a giunto elastico X2-X12"
Mixed media on cardboard, 29.5 x 21 cm.
Signed and numbered 53/100
8. "L'infinito. Un nonnulla. Busta celeste", 1969
3 editions from the series "Situazioni plasticoverbali"
Published by Studio di Informazione Estetica, Turin, No. PVC2028
8.1 "L'infinito"
Cardboard folder, 10 x 10 cm.
containing a 8 pages leporello
Silkscreen on cardboard, 10 x 80 cm.
Signed and numbered 893/1000
In collection also the copy 540/1000 (8.1b)
Signed with dedication to Luigi
8.2 "Un nonnulla"
Cardboard folder, 10 x 10 cm.
containing a silkscreen on a
cut and folded cardboard, 30 x 30 cm.
Signed and numbered 302/1000
In collection also the copy 409/1000 (8.2b)
Signed with dedication to Luigi
8.3 "Busta celeste"
Cardboard folder, 20.5 x 10 cm.
containing a 6 pages leporello
Silkscreen on cardboard, 60 x 20 cm.
Numbered 731/1000
In collection also the copy 378/1000 (8.3b)
Signed with dedication to Luigi
9. "Lavori realizzati negli anni '60 presso lo Studio
di Informazione Estetica" No. XXX
CD edited by SMET - Studio di Musica Elettronica di Torino
Founded by Enore Zaffiro
13 tracks
The artist considers these artist's books.
See the complete list of artist's books at No. PV0904
Copyright © Collective Poetry, All rights reserved