
Padin, Clemente / and others

Edition (54 Schede)


Code PV2456   Edition Collective

Poesía visual, experimental


Published by Tracalics edition S.L. Finis Africae Edicions
Colección Sa Soll Art i Convivència, Palma

- Libro 1: Cuaderno Poema de tres (1977-2019), 2019
  Cardboard box (17 x 25 x 5 cm.) with works
  by Pep Canyelles, Mariann McErlain and Horacio Sapere
  - Notebook with visual poems handmade by the artists in 1977
  - One poster
  - Three postcards
  - One photograph by Jema Fernández
  - Texts by the authors, the editor and a critical text by Victòria Parra Moyà
  Signed by the artists and numbered 98/150

- Libro 3: Homenaje al cuadrado a la manera de Clemente Padin, 2020, No. 2295E
  Cardboard box (17 x 25 x 5 cm.) with works by Clemente Padin
  - 14 Poems edited on blotting paper
​  - One poster
  - Three postcards
  - One photograph by ​Joan Casellas
  - Texts by ​Martín Palacio Gamboa, ​Michel Hubert, Horacio Sapere and others
  Numbered 76/100

- Libro 4: Inèdits. Poemes visuals dels setanta. J.M. Calleja, 2021
  Cardboard box (17 x 25 x 5 cm.) with works by J.M. Calleja
  - Notebook with 20 unpublished poems from the seventies
  - One poster
  - Five postcards
  - Four stamps
  - One photograph by ​Joan Casellas
  - Texts by ​Victòria A. Ballbé

- Libro 5: Bartomeu Ferrando. Propuestas poéticas, 2022, No. 2349E
    Cardboard box (17 x 25 x 5 cm.) with works by B. Ferrando
  - 40 poetic proposal about B. Ferrando
  - 1 poster
  - 3 cards
  - AAAA,s of B. Ferrando
  - QR of Bregues de motxos, improvised music
  - Texts by J. Pinya, B. Ferrando and H. Sapere
    Numbered 23/100

Libro 1: Cuaderno Poema de tres (1977-2019)

Libro 3: Homenaje al cuadrado a la manera de Clemente Padin

Libro 4: Inèdits. Poemes visuals dels setanta. J.M. Calleja

Libro 5: Bartomeu Ferrando. Propuestas poéticas, 2022
