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Code FXC0494 1/5 Catalogue Collective / Performance Collective / Edition Collective
The Fluxus constellation, Genoa
Exhibition at Museo d' Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa 2002
1. Catalogue
Published and signed by S. Solimano
pp. 189, 28 x 21 cm.
2. Poster
Colours offset on paper, 97 x 67 cm.
3. Press release and programmes
Three sheets, 29.5 x 21 cm.
4. Editions by Amici Museo Villa Croce
a."Fluxwines - Three good bottles to Celebrate a Flux 40th Birthday"
Co-production by Amici del Museo Villa Croce, Genoa
and Fluxus Freunde, Wiesbaden and 4T Fluxus, Paris 2002
Wooden box containing three wine bottles, 33.7 x 27 x 10 cm.
Signed by B. Patterson and numbered 4/100
b. White cotton T-shirt printed in black, 70 x 75 cm.
Signed by G. Hendricks, A. Knowles, B. Patterson,
E. Williams, E. Andersen, L. Miller, P. Corner
5. Photographic documentation
B/w photos by F.Garghetti No. FXC0017
30 x 24 cm. each signed by G.Hendricks
Performers: E.Williams, B.Patterson, B.Vautier,
E.Andersen, A.Knowles, P.Corner, L.Miller,
A.Noël, G.Hendricks
a."Fluxconcert" No. 37 B/W photos:
- Eight photos: G. Maciunas, "In memoriam to A. Olivetti",
No. FXM0325
- Three photos: J. Jones, "Duet for brass instruments",
No. FXM0168
- One photo: T. Schmit, "Zyklus", No. FXM0480
- One photo: D. Higgins, "Danger music #2", No. FXM0142
- Five photos: T. Saito, "Silent music", No. FXM0619
- Two photos: E. Williams, "Four-directional song...",
No. FXM0425
- One photo: L. Miller, "Remote music", No. FXM0414
- Three photos: E. Andersen, "Opus 16121", No. FXPH0053
- One photo: Fluxus artists
- Twelve G. Hendricks, "Fluxnavy", No. FXM0396
b. "The Italian Tour (Fluxus visits old friends)"
Six b/w photos in Novara
Signed by G. Hendricks
See also Photographic documentation, No. FXPH0754
See also No. FXM0392 1/8
Copyright © Collective Fluxus, All rights reserved