Collezione Poesia > Artisti > Collective Fluxus
Catalogue (153 Schede)
Code FXCM0336 Video Collective
Festival of Fantastics
Album of the events in Roskilde, Denmark (First festival)
Artistic director : E. Andersen
Performers: B. Vautier, P. Corner, E. Andersen, A. Tardos, E. Williams,
R. Watts, J. Hendricks, A. Noël
Video programme notes:
- E. Andersen, "The MassDress" 1985, No. FXM0475
- Collective press: conference
- G. Maciunas, "Piano pieces No.1 and No. 2" No. FXM0233
Performers: P. Corner, B. Vautier, A. Noël, R. Watts.
- E. Andersen, "30 Taxi" No. FXCM0069
- A. Tardos, "Untitled" No. FXM0565
- E. Williams, "b-a-bay" No. FXM0529
- A. Noël, "1. Alphabet I. 2. Alphabet II. 3. Double alphabet"
- E. Andersen, "Citizen powered sculpture-
Travelling wall" No. FXM0591
DVD copy
See also Announcement No. FXC0011
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