
Beuys, Joseph

Book (27 Schede)

Code FX1827   Announcement

Advertising Posters


1. Parteien - Wahlverweigerung, 1970
    Document against the election of the
    Nord Rhine - Westphalia region, supporting people's
    self-determination of basic human rights, Düsseldorf
    Black and green offset on white paper, 61 x 43 cm
    See also Edition No. 0876E

2. Joseph Beuys. Freitagsobjekt, Oct. 30, 1970
    Action at Eat Art Galerie Daniel Spoerri, Düsseldorf
    Folded poster designed by D. Spoerri
    42 x 29.5 cm
    See also: Eat Art Gallery, No. FX1214

3. Überwindet endlich die Parteiendiktatur, 1971
    Published by Freie Volksinitiative e.V. Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
    Photo: Jürgen Retzlaff
    B/w offset on white paper, 29.5 x 44 cm

4. Beuys. Transsibirische Bahn 1970, 1972
    Film edited by Ole John
    Published by Neuer Berliner Kunstverein Videothek, Berlin
    B/w offset on white paper, 80.5 x 58 cm
    See also: performance, No. FXM0376

5. Düsseldorfer! Prof. Beuys setz sich hemmungslos
    für mehr Studienplätze ein
, 1972
    Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
    Color offset on white paper, 80.5 x 60 cm

6. Boxkampf für direkte Demokratie
    durch Volksabstimmung
, Oct. 1972
    Encounter with Joseph Beuys and Abraham David Christian
    at Museum Fridericianum, Kassel
    Poster published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
    Designed by A. D. Christian
    Color offset on white paper, 121 x 63.5 cm
    See also Advertising Card No. FX1825

7. Joseph Beuys:
    Bleistiftzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1946 - 1964
, 1973
    Book edited by F. J. Van Der Grinten, H. Van der Grinten
    Published by Edition Heiner Bastian, Berlin
    Color offset on white paper, 70 x 50 cm
    See aso: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556

8. Maifest im Kunstverein Hannover.
    Diskussion mit Beuys
, May 1, 1973
    Event at Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover
    Photo: Jürgen Müller-Schneck
    B/w offset on white paper, 81 x 59.5 cm

9. Dillinger. He was the gangster's gangster, 1974
    Published by Edition Staeck / Steidl Video, Heidelberg
    Photo: Klaus Staeck
    Black offset on white paper, 84.5 x 121.5 cm
   See also: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556

10. Beuys, Jan. 11, 1974
    Event at The New School, New York,
    organized by the Ronald Feldman Fine Arts Inc.
    Color offset on white paper, 142 x 96.5 cm

11. Joseph Beuys: I like America and America likes me, May 1974
     One week's performance at René Block Gallery, New York No. FXC3202
     Photo: Ute Klophaus
     B/w offset on white paper, 80.5 x 57 cm
     See also: Coyote, No. FX0300

12. Beuys at Forrest Hill, June 6, 1974
     Exhibition at Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
     Color offset on white paper, 49 x 63 cm

13. Incontro con Beuys, Oct. 3, 1974
     Event at Galleria Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, Pescara
     Photo: Bubi Durini
     B/w offset on white paper, 94 x 68 cm
    See also: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556

14. Beuys. Tracce in Italia, Oct. 1, 1974
     Event at Lucio Amelio, Modern Art Agency, Naples
     Black offset on white paper, 80 x 56.5 cm

15. Discussion, 1974
     Discussion with the artist at:
  - Ulster Museum, Belfast, Nov. 18.
    Color offset on white paper, 45.5 x 58.6 cm
  - New University of Ulster, Belfast, Nov. 21.
    Color offset on white paper, 50 x 62.5 cm
  - Centre for Continuing Education, Derry City, Nov. 23
    Color offset on white paper, 50 x 62.5 cm

16. Lecture and discussion with Joseph Beuys
     and Caroline Tisdall
, Nov. 18, 1974
     Event at Ulster Museum Botanic Gardens, Belfast
     Black offset on white paper, 50.5 x 25 cm

17. Joseph Beuys Wasserfarben: 1936-1963, 1975
     Book edited by Franz Joseph van der Grinten
     and Hans van der Grinten
     Published by Propyläen Verlag, Berlin
     Color offset on white paper, 60 x 80 cm

18. Soziale Plastik: Materialien zu Joseph Beuys, 1976
     Book edited by Volker Harlan, Rainer Rappmann, Peter Schata
     Published by Achberger Verlagsanstalt, Achberg
     Black offset on beige paper, 42 x 29.5 cm
     with red ink "FIU" rubber-stamp

19. Brutaler Polizeieinsatz vor dem Fridericianum, 1977
     Texts for the festival Documenta 6, Kassel
     Published by Free International University
     Black offset on white paper, 69 x 48 cm
     with "FIU" rubber stamp

20. F.I.U. programm, July - Oct. 1977
     Program of the festival Documenta 6, Kassel
     Published by Free International University
     B/w print on white paper, 60.5 x 41.5 cm
     with "FIU" rubber-stamp

21. Die Kontroverse um die Menschenrechte, July - Aug. 1977
     Discussion during the festival Documenta 6, Kassel
     Published by Free International University
     Black offset on yellow paper with blue ink, 50 x 69 cm
     with "FIU" rubber-stamp

22. Dass die denkenden Köpfe sich nicht beugen, Oct. 2, 1977
     Discussion during the festival Documenta 6, Kassel
     Published by Free International University
     Black offset on white paper with blue ink, 61 x 43 cm
     with "FIU" rubber-stamp

23. Joseph Beuys Barraque Dull Odde Raum O-R7, 1977
     Published by Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld, Krefeld
     Color offset on white paper, 84.5 x 59.5 cm

24. Discussione con Beuys -
     Fondazione per la rinascita dell'agricoltura
, Feb. 12, 1978
     Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
     Photo: Bubi Durini
     Two posters, black and red offset on white paper,
    a. 63.5 x 93.5 cm
    b. 96 x 63 cm
     Each signed
    See also: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556

25. Joseph Beuys. Aufruf zur Alternative, 1979
       Re-edition of the newspaper's page from Dec. 23, 1978
       ​Text by J. Beuys
    a.  Two version:
         a.1 - Published by Edition Staeck
         Brown silkscreen and black offset on white paper, 60 x 43 cm
         Signed and numbered 2/35  
         a.2 - Published by Frankfurter Rundschau
         Black print on white paper, 41.5 x 28 cm
    b. Published by Free International University,
         Achberg / Düsseldorf
         Color offset on grey paper printed on both sides, 60 x 42 cm
         with blue ink "FIU" rubber stamp

26. Joseph Beuys: Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler, 1979
    Film directed by Werner Krüger, No. FXM0653
    Photo: Werner Krüger
    Black offset on cardboard, 98.5 x 68.5 cm

27. Conclamação para uma alternativa global, 1979
    Published by Biennale San Paolo, Brazil
    Color offset on white paper, 49 x 34.5 cm
    with red rubber-stamp
    See also Catalogue No. FX0038

28. Joseph Beuys: een konfrontatie
    137 tekeningen 1945-1979
, April 1979
    Discussion and exhibition at Museum Boymans
    van Beuningen, Rotterdam
    Color offset on glossy paper with printed felt-object,
    89.35 x 61.5 cm

29. Grassello Ca(OH)2 + H2O. Difesa della Natura, April 1979
     Itinerant action performed traveling from Pescara to Düsseldorf
     Colored offset on white paper, 70 x 50 cm
     See also: Book, No. FX0028

30. Joseph Beuys: am telefon, 1980
    Published by Tages Zeitung, München
    Colors offset on white paper, 61 x 35 cm

31. Joseph Beuys. Original graphic works, Jan. - Feb. 1980
      Exhibition at Goethe Institute and
      German Cultural Center, Chicago
      Red offset on grey paper, 37 x 28.5 cm

32. Appeal by Joseph Beuys, Aug. - Sept. 1980
    Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh,
    on the occasion of the 34th Edinburgh International Festival
    Photos and texts from the artist's public discussions
    B/w offset on white paper, 102 x 64.5 cm

33. Avant-garde Art.
    What's going up in the 80's?
, Aug. - Sept. 1980
    Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh,
    on the occasion of the 34th Edinburgh International Festival
    B/w offset on white paper, 42 x 30 cm

34. The Lucas Aerospace Workers
    New Public Trasport
, Aug. - Sept. 1980
    Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh,
    on the occasion of the 34th Edinburgh International Festival
    Black offset on white paper, 45 x 32 cm
35. Zeige deine Wunde, January 26, 1980
    Installation and discussion at
    Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
    Photo: Ute Klophaus
    B/w offset on white paper, 100.5 x 68.5 cm

36. Beuys - Burri, April 3, 1980
    Meeting between Joseph Beuys and Alberto Burri
    at Rocca Paulina, Perugia
    Published by Municipality of Perugia City.
    Colors offset on white paper, 100 x 68.5 cm
    See also "Collective posters" No. FXC1532

37. Joseph Beuys at Piero Cavellini, May 1980
    Published by Nuovi Strumenti,  Piero Cavellini, Brescia
    Color offset on white paper, 70 x 46 cm

38. August Haußleiter und Prof. Beuys , Sept. 17, 1980
    Public discussion between A. Haußleiter and J. Beuys, Düsseldorf
    Black offset on white paper, 38.5 x 60 cm

38bis. Ob Werbung Kunst ist, hängt davon ab wofür sie wirbt, 1980
    Color offset on white paper, 85.5 x 84 cm Signed

39. Joseph Beuys: Ölfarben 1936 - 1965, 1981
    Book edited by F. J. Van Der Grinten,
    H. Van Der Grinten, H. Bastian.
    Published by Edition Heiner Bastian, München
    Colors offset on white paper, 60.8 x 42.3 cm

40. 7000 Eichen in Kassel, 1982
     Published by on the occasion of the performance during
     the festival Documenta 7, Kassel
     Color offset on white paper, 84 x 60 cm

41. Documenta 7 expects every man to do his duty, 1982
    Published by Free International University on the occasion of
    "7000 Eichen" performance during festival Documenta 7, Kassel
    Photo by D. Schwerdtle
    Colors offset on white paper, 43 x 60.5 cm

42. Kunst = Kapital, 1982
    Program of public discussions during the festival
    Documenta 7, Kassel, June - Sept.
    Published by Free International University
    Photo: D. Schwerdtle
    Colors offset on beige paper, 61 x 43 cm

43. Das Gleichgewicht der Erde, Oct. 9, 1982
    Discussion at Kongresshalle, Frankfurt
    Colors offset on white paper, 59.5 x 42 cm
    with "Haupstrom" rubber-stamp

44. Joseph Beuys, 1983
     Published by Galerie Watari, Tokyo
     Photo: Ute Klophaus (1981)
     Colors offset on beige rice paper, 95 x 63.5 cm

45. Programm 83 - 84, 1983
     Events at Stadttheater Pforzheim
     Photo: Klaus Staecker
     Colors offset on white paper, 70 x 50 cm
     See also: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556
46. Joseph Beuys, May 28, 1983
     Lecture at Babbage Lecture Theater on the occasion of
     the exhibition at Kettle's Yard Gallery, Cambridge
     Colors offset on white paper, 40 x 30 cm

47. Laßt den Sprayer raus, liefert ihn nicht aus!, Sept. 7, 1983
     Black offset on white paper, 43 x 30.5 cm

48. Incontro con Beuys, 1984
     Book edited by Lucrezia De Domizio,
     Bubi Durini, Italo Tomassoni
     Published by D.I.A.C. Editrice, Pescara
     Photo: Bubi Durini
     Colors offset on white paper, 71.5 x 50 cm
     See also: Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556
     and Joseph Beuys - Advertising documentation, No. FX1825

49. Joseph Beuys. Braunkreuz, 1985
     Book published by Nijmeegs Museum
     "Commanderie van Sint-Jan", Nijmegen
     Colors offset on white paper, 69 x 49 cm

50. Joseph Beuys. From source to use, 1985
     Published by House Bébert, Rotterdam
     Black offset on white paper, 61 x 43 cm

51. Über ihre Gespräche zum Thema "Kunst + Politik"
     berichten Joseph Beuys, Michael Ende
, Feb. 10, 1985
     Debate at Freie Volksschule Argental, Wangen
     Colors offset on paper, 61 x 42 cm
52. Rainer Rappmann zeigt:
     Videofilme über Joseph Beuys
, Oct. 9, 1985
     Event at Freie Volkshochschule Argental, Wangen
     Black offset on brown paper, 61.5 x 41.5 cm




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15. Belfast


Derry City









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