
Simonetti, Gianni-E.

Book (11 Schede)

Code FXPH1608   Performance / Unique

Fluxfood Concert in Venice. A Multitasking Performance


Concert at Palazzo Mora, Venice, December 13
Realized on the occasion of the opening of
2nd Venice International Performance Art Week, No. FXCM0363

a. Relicts of the concert:
  - "Fluxus Island map" No. 0779
     Digital print on cloth,
  - T-shirt
     Digital print on T-shirt
  - Bib
    Digital print on paper bib 46 x 41 cm.
  - Spaghetti Sandwich Box
    Plastic food box witjh label, 14.5 x 19 x 5 cm.
  - Homage to proust
    Printed paper bag, 31 x 15 cm., containing three walnuts,
    one stone and a folded printed cardboard, 15 x 7 cm. (closed)
  - Bookmarkers
    Printed cardboard,16 x 2.5 cm. each
  - Performance score
    Two printed sheets, 29.5 X 21 cm. each
  - 4 ancient typewriters
  - 4 toy keyboards
  - 4 colored glasses
  - 4 ancient transistor radios
  - 2 transparent plastic wine coolers

b. Video documentation
    by Piero Matarrese No. PVM0030
    Length: 8'40"

c. Documentations
  - 26 pages booklet by Mario Bozzetto
  - Various photos of different authors
  - Explanation, printed paper, 29.5 x 21 cm.

See also: Document No. FXC0958

a. Relicts






b. Video

c. Photo

c. photo

c. photo

c. photo

