Ono, Yoko
Catalogue (29 Schede)
Code FXC2239 Document
Fondazione Bonotto vernissage
Program of events realized in the occasion
of Fondazione Bonotto vernissage
June 10, 2013
- Press release
Printed paper, 29 x 21.5 cm.
- Invitation card
Card, 14.5 x 21 cm.
- Card "I'll be back" by Yoko Ono
10 x 15 cm.
- Correspondance
various letter, 29 x 21.5 cm.
- Press review
various articles, various sizes
- Photographic documentation:
Various photos and
Booklet with photos by M. Bozzetto
18 x 25 cm.
1. A special lecture by Yoko Ono
2. Exhibition "I'll be back"
3. Performance "A DREAM hour with Yoko Ono by Gianni Emilio Simonetti, No. FXPH1605
See also No. FXPH0649, No. FX0857
Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono. Fondazione Bonotto launch"
Copyright © Ono, Yoko, All rights reserved