
Ono, Yoko

Catalogue (29 Schede)

Code FX1286   Document



Documentation for the exhibition at Museo Santa Caterina, Treviso
Ring binder containing:

1. Posters
a. Advertising poster
    Violet offset on white paper,
    98 x 68 cm. Signed
b. Exhibition poster
    Violet offset on white paper,
    68 x 49 cm.
    See also "Yoko Ono's Advertising Art", No. FXC1621

2. Invitation cards
    Three cards, two of them signed
    Offset on white cards, 21 x 15 cm.
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"
    See also announcement, No. FX0857

3. Catalogues / books
a. Project
b. First version , No. FX0858
    Published by Marsilio Editori, Venice
    Unnumbered pages, 16 x 22 cm.
c. Second version, No. FX0858
    Published by Europrint Industria grafica, Treviso
    pp. 62, 26.5 x 21.5 cm.
    Numbered 480/500
d. List of Yoko Ono and Fluxus
    historical documents exhibited
e. A guide-book of the exhibition
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono. Sognare"

4. Gadgets
    Pins and bag
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"
    See also No. 0028E and No. 0704E

5. Mail
    Messages between Jon Hendricks
    and the curators' staff
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"
6. Press release
    -  Letter from President of Italian Republic
       Compliments of the President, Mr. Giorgio Napolitano,
       addressed to the exhibition's organizers
  -   Article "Yoko Ono torna in Italia
      e fa una mossa contro la guerra"
      Il venerdì di Repubblica
      September 28, 2007
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"

7. Photographic and video documentation
a.  Various photos of the preparation of the exhibition venue
     Colored photos, 30 x 20 cm. each
    Four photos are signed with dedication to Luigi
b. Video about preparation of the exhibition,
    Y. Ono meeting with the major of Treviso,
    the press conference, the opening and
    dinner in Villorba
    Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"
    See also Document, No. FXPH0649

8. Booklet
    Containing photos and two DVDs about the exhibition.
    Realized in two copies: one copy for the artist and one copy
    for Luigi Bonotto Collection
   Included in ring binder "Yoko Ono Sognare"

See also: Unique No. 0050


1a. Advertising poster

1b. Exhibition poster


3. Catalogues/books

4. pin

4. BAG


7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7a. Photo

7b. Video

7b. Video
