
Ono, Yoko

Document (15 Schede)

Code FX5438   Document

Projects for Bassano Del Grappa city


The artist in the occasion of the exhibition "Sentieri Interotti"
presented a first project for Bassano Del Grappa.

1. Circular Maze 2000
The first idea was the installation of "Circular Maze" but
due the complexity and the expenses costs for the organizazion
she presented another project
Unrealized project

2.  Play it by Trust 2000
Second installation in white PVC, then for various necessity it was
realized in white chipboard panels whit white chess of 1 meters each
Realized project and donated to the Musei Civici of Bassano Del Grappa

3. Little Tower 2013
Project to design the external structure of a little tower "tower Y.O."
in order to spread to the future creative of local generation the though of Fluxus artists
with words as dream, peace, imagine
Correspondance with Jon Hendricks
Unrealized project

1. Circular Maze 2000

1. Circular Maze 2000

2. Play it by Trust 2000

2. Play it by Trust 2000

2. Play it by Trust 2000

3. Little Tower 2013

3. Little Tower 2013
