
Lora Totino, Arrigo

Video (5 Schede)

Code PV2135   Announcement

Announcements and invitation cards


Postcards, Cards, Flyers, Press Release and Invitation cards
realized on the occasion of an event:

Undated - "Oxigen 2", Turin
            Flyer, 20.5 x 10.5 cm
            - "Proposte di metodologie per ricerche sonore..."
            Club Turati, Turin
            Flyer, 10 x 21 cm
            - Arrigo Lora Totino", Kulturzentrum bri den Minoriten, Graz
            Card, 15 x 10 cm
1966 - "Audizioni di poesia fonetica", Alpha, Modena
           Folded printed paper, 36,7 x 32 cm (open)
1967 - "Presentazione Antologia di Poesia Concreta", Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo
           Printed brown cardboard, 10 x 22 cm
1968 - "Sandro De Alexandris, Arrigo Lora Totino, Enore Zaffiri"
           Exhibition announcement at Libreria Feltrinelli, Trieste
           Folded printed paper, 45 x 45 cm (open)
         - "Schermo Mistilineo e La Poesia del Silenzio"
           in collaboration with P. Fogliati and M. Gerra
           L'Imbarcadero (trattoria), Anfo
           Mimeographed sheet, 33 x 22 cm
1969 - "Incontri delle 10", Launch of the book "Il liquimofono,
           congegno generatore di musica liquida e la poesia liquida,
           inflessioni tuffate nell'idromegafono",  
           Vismara Arte Contemporanea, Milan
           in collaboration with P. Fogliati, R. Gramigna and A. Alciati
           Printed cardboard, 14 x 14 cm
1973 "Experimenta. Poesìa Experimental"
           Galeria de Arte Daniel , Madrid
           Envelope, 18 x 26 cm. containing
           Two color offset on paper, 16.5 x 24 cm
           See also Photographic Documentation No. PV2127
1974 - "Arrigo Lora Totino", Punto Zero, Taranto
           in collaboration with Rinaldo Nuzzolese,
           Printed cardboard, 21 x 10 cm
         - "Poesia", Gruppo Nuove Proposte, Martina Franca & Centro Punto Zero, Taranto
           B/w offset on cardboard, 11.5 x 15 cm
1975 - "Il concento prosodico", Galleria Erika, Turin
           in collaboration with Roberto Musto. Printed cardboard, 14 x 19 cm
         - "Il concento prosodico", Unimedia, Genoa
           in collaboration with Roberto Musto, Paola De Bernardi,
           Aline De La Forest, Giorgio Gilli, Laura Santiano and Ada Verdino
           Printed cardboard, 11 x 21 cm
1976 - "Recent works of visual poetry", Other Books and So, Amsterdam
           Printed cardboard, 15,5 x 10,5 cm
1978 - "Poesia Ginnica - Arrigo Lora Totino,
           Le lettrisme sonore - Jean-Paul Curtay", Out Off, Milan
           Printed paper, 34,5 x 24,5 cm
         - "Verbotetture, Cromofonemi iridescenti, Corpi di poesia"    
           Centro del Portello, Genoa
           Printed paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
         - "Visuale Concomitante, Lora Totino / Niccolai / Spatola" No. PVC2136
           Collegio Cairoli, Pavia
           Folded printed cardboard, 15 x 11 cm
         - "Francesco Cangiullo - Futura Poesia Sonora"
           Libreria Belforte, Livorno
           Digital print on folded yellow cardboard, 19,5 x 14,5 cm.
1979 - "Lora Totino", Studio Santandrea, Milan  No. PVC0898
            Printed cardboard, 22 x 9 cm
1980 - "Arte e città 80" No. PVC2137
            Palazzo Reale, Genova, in collaboration with Sergio Cena
            Folded printed cardboard, 21 x 10,5 cm
          - "Corrado Costa, Arrigo Lora Totino" No. PVC2138
            Circolo Nautico, Giulianova
            Mimeographed folded sheet, 21 x 15 cm
          - "Poesia sonora", Hop Frog, Viareggio
            Mimeographed sheet, 33 x 22 cm
          - "Fiaba", Teatro d'Uomo, Turin
            Folded printed paper, 12 x 23 cm
            Performance by "Gruppo strumentale Roberto Musso".
            Lora Totino play the narrator

          - "Poesia concreta e sonora", Casa del Mantegna, Mantova
            Eleven mimeographed sheets bounded with staples, 33 x 22 cm
          - Centro Addizione - della Poesia
            Event announcement at Sala Teatro Strocchi, Faenza
            Cardboard printed on both sides, 20 x 10,5 cm
1981 - "Viaggio al termine della parola",
           Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Firenze
           Printed cardboard, 11 x 16,5 cm
1982 - "Futura poesia sonora", Teatro Gerolamo, Milan
           in collaboration with Valeria Magli
           Thirtyfour mimeographed sheets bounded with staples, 30 x 21 cm
1984 - "Futura poesia sonora", Landshut
            Printed pink sheet, 20 x 14,5 cm.
1985 - "artisti, architetti, poeti", Istituto alvar aalto, Turin
            Folder, 29.5 x 21 cm
1986 - "La musicalità della parola", Turin
            Postcard printed on both sides, 16 x 11 cm
          - "Arte nei nuovi media", Genoa
            Folded printed cardboard, 28,5 x 19 cm
          - "Finestra vitrea circe",Laboratorio della Rivista Zeta, Udine
            Cardboard printed on both sides, 10 x 19 cm
1989 - "American Association for italian studies- University of Lowell"
           9th annual conference at Lowell Hilton Hotel
            a. Events program, pp. 21, 21 x 13,5 cm
            b. Announcement, Printed cardboard, 14 x 11 cm
1990 - "Poemi concreti e visuali", Mercato del Sale, Milan, No. PVC1079
            Printed sheet, 21 x 29,5 cm
1991 - "Pre-testi", Teatro San Matteo, Piacenza
            Mimeographed sheet printed on both sides, 29,5 x 21 cm
1994 - "Poeti a Milano-2", Biblioteca Comunale, Milan
            Printed cardboard, 21 x 10,5 cm
1996 - "ChiaroScuro ChiaroScuro Chiaro", Università della Terza Età, Turin
            a. Announcement, Digital print on colored paper, 29,5 x 21 cm
            b. Text of Roxi Scursatone
            Three mimeographed sheets bounded with staples, 29,5 x 21 cm
          - "Mafarka - Festa Futurista", Teatro Macario, Turin
            Printed cardboard, 10 x 21 cm
          - "Percorsi '96", Montegrosso d'Asti (AT)
            Cardboard printed on both sides, 62 x 15,5 cm
          - "Generator(r)e", Torre Guinigi, Lucca
            Printed cardboard, 14,5 x 10,5 cm
            Plastic folder, 30 x 21 cm. containing four color photos glued
            on a loose card and a loose printed paper
1997 - "Illimite", Galerie am Mölkersteig, Wien
            Folded printed paper, 62,5 x 30 cm
            - "Torino. Salone del libro" Istituto alvar aalto, Turin
           Printed sheet. 29.5 x 21 cm
1998 - "un p oint - Performance dedicated to Adriano Spatola"
            with Tiziano Spatola
           Castello del Vescovo, Reggio Emilia
           Digital print on orange paper, 21 x 10 cm
         - "Il Teatro della Parola: Futurismo", Teatro Galateri, Cherasco (CN)
           Folded printed cardboard, 21 x 10,5 cm
1999 - "Serata Futurista", Biblioteca Comunale, Frascati (RM)
           Printed sheet, 21 x 29,5 cm
         - "Mitomoto. Underground & futurismo", Chiostro di San Domenico, Reggio Emilia
           Postcard, 10 x 15 cm
2003 - "Poézie 2003", Montpellier and Besancon
           Unnumbered pages, 21 x 15 cm
2004 - "Arrigo Lora Totino", Circolo ArciNova Matilda, Viareggio
           Digital print on yellow sheet,  29,5 x 17,5 cm
         - "Arrigo Lora Totino - Poesia sonora e ginnica", Artpool P60, Budapest
            Mimeographed sheet printed on both sides, 29,5 x 21 cm
2009 - "O" poesia visuale, poesia sonora
           Laboratorio delle Arti, Piacenza. Folded printed paper, 22,5 x 15 cm
         - Arrigo Lora Totino. Self Made Books"
           Freddi Libreria Antiquaria, Turin
           Printed paper, 42 x 29,5 cm
           See also Document No. PV9957
2011 - "Il Teatro della Parola", Libreria Galleria Derbylius, Milan
           Printed paper, 29,5 x 21 cm
2023 - "Milleuno ALT Arrigo Lora Totino"
          Casa Morra, Archivi d'Arte Contemporanea, Naples
          Flyer, 16 x 16 cm., program of performances and meetings, 29.5 x 21 cm




















1989 a.





1996 a.











