Kosugi, Takehisa
Announcement (7 Schede)
Code FXM0296 Performance
Micro 1 (1961)
Documentation of the performance included in:
1. "Film Concerts Fluxus-Nice" 1964-76, No. FXM0136
Performed by Ben Vautier at Théâtre de Nice, 1970
2. "Tellus # 24. Flux Tellus" 1990, No. FXCM0076
Performer: Y. Tone
3. "Some Fluxus" 1991, No. FXCM0389
Realised during the "Fluxconcert"
at the Kichen, New York, March, 24, 1979
Performer: Y. Tone
4. Performance 1996, No. FXM0255
Realized at Ashiya City Museum of Art & History, Ashiya City.
Documentation of the performance realized during:
5. "Excellent 92" 1992, No. FXCM0385
Performer: B. Vautier
6. "Sentieri Interrotti" 2000, No. FXC0435
7. "...soudain l'étè Fluxus" 2009, No. FXC1763
Performer: B. Vautier
8. "Who will Live - will See" 2010, No. FXC1388
Performers: B. Vautier
9. "Fluxus at 50", 1962 - 2012 No. FXC9932
Performers: E. Andersen
10. "Fluxus Concert" Chiasso, 2012, No. FXM1380
Performers: Various
11. "Fluxus Concerts. An Anthology I & II, 2012, No. FX1310
Performers: Various
12. "The Female side of FluxusMusic. The Concert", 2013
No. FX1382
Performer: Various students
Copyright © Kosugi, Takehisa, All rights reserved