
Knowles, Alison

Periodical (5 Schede)

Code FXM0437   Performance

Onion Skin Song (2003)


1. Audio / Video included in:
    "Fluxsweet", 2005 No. FXCM0421
    a. DVD video documentation
        Length: 03'28"
        Performers: A. Knowles, L. Miller, T. Shimada
    b. CD audio documentation
        Length: 03'00"
        recorded at Harvestworks, February 14, 2005
        Length: 24'09"
        recorded at Quakebasket, April 4, 2005
2. Photographic documentation, included in:
    "Time Samples", 2006, No. FX0704
    Performers: A. Knowles and others.
    Colored photos by Luigi Bonotto. Signed
    Performers: A. Knowles and others

1.a video

1.b Audio

1.b Audio

2. photo

2. photo

2. photo

2. photo

2. photo
