
Knowles, Alison

Periodical (5 Schede)

Code FXM0449 1/3   Performance

Mantra for Jessie (1970)


1. Audio, included in:
   "New Wilderness Audiographics", 1980  No. FXM0235
    Length: 01'41"

2. Video, included in:
   "Fluxus Media Opera. Original Fluxus &
   Fluxus in the Electronic Media Era", 1994
   No. FXCM0337

3. Photographic and video documentation
    Performances August 29, 1995, Bonotto SpA
    with the participation of Phoebe Neville and Philip Corner

a. Video, included in:
    "Performances at Bonotto DSpA", No. FXCM0084
    Length: 07'33"

b. Photos
    Two colored photos by Luigi Bonotto
    29.5 x 21 cm. each. Signed

See also Artist's book "More", No. FX0033

Bibl.: A. Knowles,"More", New York 1976; "Fluxfilm Anthology", New York-Paris 1997-1998, p.15; "By Alison Knowles: A Retrospective (1960-2022)", Berkley, CA, 2022, p.190.

1. Audio

2. Video

3.a Video

3.b photo

3.b photo
