
Higgins, Dick

Video (2 Schede)

Code FX0388   Artist's book

Stacked Deck


"An opera made by Richard Maxfield. Book by Dick Higgins"
Self ephemeral publication
Cyclostyled sheets, pp. 15, 28 x 21.5 cm

Part of the "Ring Binder. Dick Higgins-Ephemera", No. FX0189

"John Cage's composition class, which i had attended, adjourned at the end of July. In the class, besides others, I met the composer Richard Maxfield and been impressed by him. We agreed to do an electronic work together. So during August I visited my grandmother on the New Hampshire coast; there I wrote the "libretto" or formula for "Stacked Deck"-chance only within certain parameters is what is referred to in the title-which delighted Maxfield..." (D.H.)

title page

1st page
