
Furnival, John

Edition (29 Schede)

Code 1666E 1/4   Edition



From a series of towers and monuments:

1.       "Tower of Pisa"
          Published by Opening Press:
1.1    Silkscreen on paper
          58.5 x 28.5 cm. Signed
1.2    Silkscreen on cardboard, paper Arches 88, France
          76.5 x 57 cm.
          Artist's proof. Signed

2.       "Eiffel Tower", 1966
          Published by the artist
          Silkscreen on cardboard, paper Arches 88, France
          76.5 x 57 cm.
          Artist's proof. Signed

3.       "The Fall of the Tower of Babel", 1963
           Published by Opening Press
3.1/2 Silkscreens on papers, 60 x 25.5 cm. each
3.3     Silkscreen on cardboard, paper Arches 88, France
          76.5 x 57 cm.
          Artist's proof. Signed

4.      "Statue of Liberty"
          Silkscreen on cardboard, 50.5 x 38 cm.
          Artist's proof. Signed

1.1 Tower of Pisa

1.2 Tower of Pisa

2. Eiffel Tower

3.1/2 The Fall of the Tower of Babel

3.3 The Fall of the Tower of Babel

4. Statue of Liberty
