
Friedman, Ken

Book (12 Schede)

Code FX9244   Book

Ken Friedman: 92 Events


1. English and Chinese Book version, 2019
  Published for the exhibition
  of K. Friedman's event Scores at Tonji University, Shangai
  October 14 - November 3, 2019
  Unnumbered pages, 18.5 x 12 cm.
  Both signed with dedication to Luigi

2. Digital version, 2020
  Published for the exhibition
  of K. Friedman's event Scores at Adam Art Gallery
  Wellington, New Zealand
  June, 2 - August 16, 2020
  Essay by S. Cleland
  PDF file

3. New version, 2023
Texts by Ditte Mauritzon and Magdalena Holdar
     Published by Bettina Pehrsson,
     Kalmar Konstmuseum, Sweden
     a. Book version, pp. 175, 29 x 23 cm.
     ISBN: 9789151932712
     Signed with dedication to Luigi
     b. Cardboard box version containing
     92 postcards, 29 x 23 x 3.5 cm.
     ISBN: 9789151932729

1. English and Japan Book version

1.a English version cover

1.a open

1.b Chinese version

1.b open

2. digital version

3. New version 2023

3.a book version

3.a open

3.b Cardboard box version
