Document (80 Schede)
Code PVC0267 Document Collective
Francesco Conz Editions
Francesco Conz was an editor of Fluxus, Happenings
Viennese Actionist, ZAJ, Sound, Visual and Concrete
Poetry, Gorgona Group and Lettrist artists
Editions founded and directed by Francesco Conz
Asolo (1972-1979) & Verona (1979-2010)
- "Pianoforti lettristi" No. PVC1290
- "Winterreise from Asolo to New York and
Vice Versa 1974" No. FXC1034
Arthur Aeschbacher
- "Untitled Décollage" No. 2000E
Eric Andersen
- "Pianist Hide-Away" No. 0221E
- "The Crying Place (Manhattan)" No. FXM0666
Jean-François Bory
- "Jean-François Bory: A life made of words" No. PV0538
George Brecht
- "Four Chemist" cloth version No. 0315E 1/2
- "Experimental enlargement:
The Chemistry of Music" No. 0314E 1/7
- "Experimental enlargement:
The Fluid Dinamics of the Alphabet", No. 0322E
- "The Paradox Shirt" No. 0323E 1/3
- "Void", No. 0310E 1/3
- "Concerning George Brecht's Void" (H. Martin), No. FX0450
- "George Brecht. The Editions" (H. Ruhé) No. FX1229
- "Untitled", No. 0354E
José Luis Castillejo
- "C." No. 1946E 1/2
- "Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow" No. 1940E
Henri Chopin
- "To ray the rays: poème classique
(Dactylopoème)" No. 3032E
Philip Corner
- "Metal Meditations" No. 0342E
- "Metelementus", No. 1422E 1/2
- "Early Fluxus Performance Events" No. 0728E
- "Carrot Chew Performance" No. FXM0197
- "Some Silences" No. 1424E 1/2
- "Fluxus=Free Speech" No. 1425E
José Cortés
- "Musica para una pluma estilografica" No. 1000E
Jean Dupuy
- "Un nu" No. 0243E
Eugenio De Vicente
- "Suplemento al Calendario Unversal Zaj" No. 1997E
Esther Ferrer
- "Concierto Zaj pars 60 voces" No. 1901E 1/2
- "Esther" No. 1904E
- "Pour un oui pour un non" No. 1967E
- "Pour un non pour un si" No. 1968E
- "Dialogue Zaj" No. 1969E
- "Espetaculo" No. 1970E 1/2
- "Otra Proposition Zaj" No. 1900E 1/2
Ken Friedman
- "Myth begins as form" No. 1254E
John Furnival
- "Gotcha!" No. 1667E
John Giorno
- "I want to be filthy and anonymous
scum and slime" No. 2357E
Eugen Gomringer
- "Mov" No. 1151E
- "Wind" No. 2949E
- "Fruheling,Sommer, Herbst, WinterI" No. 2948E
Bernard Heidsieck
- "Circuits Integres" No. 1076E 1/7
- "Vaduz" No. PV1026
- "Bernard Heidsieck. Ici Radio Verona et autres
écritures/collages dans la collection F. Conz" (Acquaviva) No. PV2300
Geoffrey Hendricks
- "Uno scheletro di pecora e sassi" No. FX0265
- "Between two points. Meditative rituals" No. 0518E
- "Anatomy of the Sky" No. 0503
- "From See to Sky. Recasting the Riace Bronzes" No. FX0515
- "Two performances. June 27th & July 4th 1991" No. FX0238
Juan Hidalgo
- "Calidad" No. 1913E 1/2
- "Encuentre Zaj en el Desierto" No. 1911E 1/2
- "Musica para aprender de memoria n. 1" No. 1957E 1/2
- "Visita Zaj a la casa de Beethoven" No. 1951E 1/2
- "Zaj" No. 1910E 1/2
- "Un huevo de Juan Hidalgo para la Pascua Zaj" No. 1955E 1/2
- "Viaje a Almorox" No. 1908E
- "El recorrido japonés" No. 1954E
- "Manifesto Zaj" No. 1958E
- "Musica Intestinal, Musica Genital" No. 1962E
- "A letter for David Tudor" No. 1964E
Dick Higgins
- "Homage to Africa" No. 0301E
- "Homage to Europe" No. 0306E 1/4
- "Labyrinth", No. 2383E
Alice Hutchins
- "La Tour or Five stories" No. 0247E
Isidore Isou
- "Initiation à la Haute Volupté" No. 2675E 1/2
Joe Jones
- "Music Kit Xylophon" No. 0351E
- "Music Box" No. 0717E
- "Music Machines and Fluxus Project" No. 1435E
- "Music Wagon for Asolo - Longest Pull Toy in the World
Performance Piece, Theater New York City" No. 0352E
- "History of the Music Bike and other etories" No. FX0755
- "Joe Jones in New York | Joe Jones in Europe" No. FX1631
Allan Kaprow
- "3 Crime Stories" No. 1273E 1/2
Milan Knížák
- "Untitled" No. 0196E
- "Destroyed Music" No. 0228
- "Documentazioni 1961 - 1970" No. 0199E
Alison Knowles
- "Le Virtù del Minestrone" No. 0331
- "Coco Princesse" No. 0613E 1/4
- "Leone d'oro" No. 1749E
Robert Lax
- "Untitled (Color)" No. 0240E
Arrigo Lora-Totino
- "Ornament" No. 2232E
- "Spazio Tempo" No. 0955E
Jackson Mac Low
- "A Vocabulary for Vera Regina Lachmann" No. FX1256
- "Eight Drawing - Asymmetries" No. 0634E 1/2
- "A Vocabulary for Innisfree Moore" No. FX1231
- "Musicwords for Phill Niblock" No. FX1232
- "A Notated Vocabulary for Eve Rosenthal" No. FX1237
Walter Marchetti
- "Compendio y variedades Zaj" No. 1930E 1/2
- "Respire" No. 1922E 1/2
- "Zaj es como un bar" No. 1921E 1/2
- "Observación de los movimientos de una mosca
sobre el cristal de una ventana" No. 1929E 1/2
- "Noche Zaj" No. 1931E 1/2
- "Madrigal de Otoño" No. 1924E
- "Musica monolitica" No. 1925E
- "Musica de camera" No. 1949E
- "Filtro musical para nada" No. 1950E
- "La Caccia" No. FX1792
Charlotte Moorman
- "Elm Cello" No. 0401E
- "Selected Images of a
Performance of Giuseppe Chiari’s Per Arco" No. FXPH0035
- C. Moorman & Nam June Paik, "Selected Images of a
Performance of Takehisa Kosugi’s Chamber Music" No. FXM0429
Ann Nöel
- " Nöel Berlin Verona Conz" No. FXC2400
Nam June Paik
- "Fluxus Island in Décollage Ocean" No. 0211E 1/3
- "Music Sextornic. Aria n. 2" No. 0212E
- "Voyeur Mail Box" No. 0215E
- "Sony" No. 0213E
Ben Patterson
- "R.R. - M.L.K." No. 0235E
- "Mine is bigger then yours" No. 0236E
Gerhard Rühm
- "Automatischezeichnungen 1971/73" No. 1633E
Carolee Schneemann
- "Ice Naked Skating" No. 0598E 1/7
Jacques Spacagna
- "Jacques Spacagna. Le Voyage en Italie" (Acquaviva) No. PVC1600
Daniel Spoerri
- "Erts Lezt Das Erste" No. 0371E
- "Rezept Bibliothek" No. 0375E 1/10
- "Kreuzwortratsel" No. 0432E
Ben Vautier
- "Ethnies en luttes pour le droit à la
difference", No. 0686E /24
Robert Watts
- "New Yorker Cartoon" No. 0248E
- "Dollar Bill", No. 0609E 1/2
- "Events 20th Anniversary Box", No. 0273E /3
- "Giant Poster of Fluxus 301", No. 0265E
- "Cabbage", No. 0266E
- "Stamps Sheets on cloth", No. 0269E 1/2
- "Teat Box", No. 0270E
- "Untitled", No. 0272E
- "Flux Med. Flux S & M", No. 2380E
- "Tatoo 102", No. 2384E
Emmett Williams
- "Dance Fragments", No. 0435E 1/4
- "Tangram in Flux", No. 1417E 1/20
- "First Love", No. 0285E 1/2
- "Labyrinth", No. 0286E
- "She Loves Me Not", No. 0290E
- "Reflections on Gertrude Stein's 100th Birthday", No. 0295E
- "Art Life", No. 0296E
- "Sense Sound", No. 0288E
- "Twenty-One Proposals for the Stained-Glass
Windows of the Fluxus Cathedral", No. 0297E 1/21
See also:
- Francesco Conz Exhibition No. FXC0114
- Books No. FXC0023, FXC0080, FXC0081
- Document No. FXC0024
- Announcement No. FXC3291
Copyright © Collective Poetry, All rights reserved