Belloli, Carlo / and others
Audio (110 Schede)
Code PV3107 Book Collective
Introduction texts
1. Unità organizzate. Antonio Calderara , 1961
Published by Edizioni Salto, Milan
Unnumbered pages, 34 x 27 cm
2. Series "Serigrafia opera prima"
Published by Studio di Informazione Estetica, Turin , No. PVC2028
Directed by Carlo Belloli
a. Pic Adrian, "10 condizioni lineari di segnaletica aleatoria"
"Serigrafia opera prima, 1", 1970
Cardboard box, 44 x 44 x 2,5 cm containing:
- 4 folded cardboards of different colours,
with Carlo Belloli's text printed in different languages
42 x 42 cm each
- Folded black cardboard, 42 x 42 cm
Carlo Belloli's poem "10 x 10" printed inside
- 10 silkscreens on cardboard by Pic Adrian, 42 x 42 cm each
Signed and numbered 99/120
- Colophon, folded cardboard, 42 x 42 cm
b. Eleni Zerva, "Infracromatici come frizione di luce"
"Serigrafia opera prima, 2", 1971
Cardboard box, 44 x 44 x 2,5 cm containing:
- 4 folded cardboards of different colours,
with Carlo Belloli's text printed in different languages
42 x 42 cm each
- Folded black cardboard, 42 x 42 cm
Carlo Belloli's poem "15 x 15" printed inside
- 15 silkscreens on cardboard by Eleni Zerva, 42 x 42 cm each
Signed and numbered 41/120
- Colophon, folded cardboard, 42 x 42 cm
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