Collezione FLuxus > Artisti > Collective Poetry
Cena, Sergio / and others
Periodical (338 Schede)
Code PV1375 Periodical Collective
Antologia ad hoc No. 26 "Genova si sa"
Artist's magazine founded and directed by Sergio Cena No. PV1470
Published by the artist
Cardboard folder, 32 x 24,5 cm
containing original works, 30 x 21 cm each
Contribution by:
- Anonimo, "Amo Genova"
- Maryse Aspart, "Untitled"
- Pier Giorgio Boccardo, "Untitled"
- Virginia Cafiero, "Viaggio nei carrugi", Numbered 15/30
- Sergio Cena, "Untitled" No. 2255E /26
- Leo Ciabo, "Untitled"
- Hans Gotlieb, "Verso Genova"
- Riri Negri, "Untitled", work on both sides
- Lucia Pasini, "Untitled"
- Frank Radaele, "Untitled", work on both sides
- Jacques Rey, "Untitled", Numbered 5/30
- Jacques Rey, "Untitled", Numbered 7/30
- Giuseppe Pellegrino, "Luna vuota", paper sheet folded 30 x 42 cm,
Numbered 11/30
- Attilio Sassarego, "Untitled", Numbered 30/30
- Learco Topiratti, "Non amo + Genova"
- Xavier, "Untitled"
Copyright © Collective Poetry, All rights reserved