Audio (126 Schede)
Code FXC0663 Document Collective
Women in Fluxus & other experimental tales, Reggio Emilia
Cultural festival with events, scores and performances
at Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia
Curated by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani with the collaboration of
Archivio Bonotto and PariDispari Archivio
1. "Follow Fluxus", No. FXCM0014
Introductory events to the exhibition, Corso Garibaldi
Reggio Emilia and Cavriago
- Program
Folded leaflet, 15 x 44 cm. (open)
- Envelope containing nine colored photos
by L. Sassi and F. Fontanelli
Printed cardboard, 22.5 x 16 cm. each
- "Washed" by B. Picariello, 2012
Collage on lining, 40 x 30 cm.
- Six white envelopes with black permanent marker's writing:
"Tutto è arte. G. Maciunas"
50 x 26 cm. each
- Relic of performance
Petals and leaves of plastic flower, 11.5 x 13 cm.
- Invitation to "Cena in Blu"
Card, 11 x 21 cm.
- Flyers of the two performances:
"Fluxus concert: Musica in Flusso" by Philip Corner
with Julie's Haircut and Deborah Walker,
and "Postazione Fluxus:
Guardare il futuro attraverso i fagioli" by Jasha Ban
- Press release
- Photographic documentation by L. Sassi and F. Fontanelli
One CD containing fifty colored photos by F. Garghetti
- Yoko Ono's installation, "Dream: Project In Una Parola", No. 0051
2. Exposition
a. Poster, 100 x 70 cm.
See also "Human Cello" by C. Moorman and N. J. Paik
photo by P. Moore, No. FXCM0391 -1
b. Invitation to the exhibition's opening
Color printed card, 10 x 21 cm.
c. Catalogue
Cardboard box containing:
- CD works exposed list
- Bookmark
Color printed card, 15 x 5 cm.
- "Eventi Partiture Performance" plus "Antologia"
Two books published by Skira, Milan
pp. 220, 21 x 15 cm.
- Re-editions curated by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani
"Gesto e Segno", Galleria Blu, Milan, 1964, No. FXC1192
G. Maciunas, "Fluxmail list and Fluxproducts", 1973-1975,
No. FX0877
G. Maciunas, "Manuscript Notations for a Diagram, 1973
G. Maciunas, "Manifesto", 1963, No. FX0870 -2a
G. Maciunas, "Fluxfest Sale", 1966, No. FX0273
G. Maciunas, "FLuXuS Internationale
FesTsPiELe NEUEsTER MUSik", 1962, No. FX1575
G. Maciunas & others, "Festum fluxorum...", 1963, No. FX0807
G. Maciunas, "Perpetual Fluxfest", 1965, No. FX1102
G. Maciunas, "Fluxmanifesto", 1966, No. 0019E
G. Maciunas, "Fluxus presents. Fluxus Symphony Orchestra
in Fluxus Concert", 1964, No. FX1577
Two copies
d. Press release and press review
e. Photographic documentation of the exposition's opening
3. "The Female side of FluxusMusic. The Concert", No. FX1382
Documentation distributed during the concert:
- Flyer
Printed folded sheet, 29.5 x 21 cm.
in envelope adressed to Archivio Bonotto
- Card with text extract by "Josephine the Singer,
or the Mouse Folk" of F. Kafka, 16 x 11.5 cm.
- Gadget
Needlework's set in envelope with concert's fluxus artists
Closed, 7 x 8.5 cm.
- Vivograph (1964), No. 1294E -2
Work by T. Schmit
- Video and Photographic documentation
See also No. FX1538
Copyright © Collective Fluxus, All rights reserved