
Corner, Philip / Ferrer, Esther / Friedman, Ken / Hansen, Al / Hendricks, Geoffrey / Hidalgo Codorniu, Juan / Knížák, Milan / Mac Low, Jackson / Maciunas, George / Marchetti, Walter / Paik, Nam June / Patterson, Ben / Saito, Takako / Simonetti, Gianni-E. / Vautier, Ben / Vostell, Wolf / Watts, Robert / Williams, Emmett / and others

Audio (124 Schede)


Code FXC1301 1/12   Document Collective / Announcement Collective

Milano Poesia


Milano Poesia. Festival Internazionale di Poesia,
Musica, Performance, Danza e Teatro, Milan

1.  Milano Suono
      Festival in Milan from 19 to 25 June, 1982
      Program Booklet
      pp. 16, 24 x 17 cm
      "Milano Suono" with "Guerra alla Guerra"
       (Milan, 14/16 December 1982) are considered
       the 1st Edition of "Milano Poesia"

2.  Polyphonix 5 Italia
      Teatro Carcano, 22 - 27 June 1983
      Organized by Associazione Polyphonix,
      Cooperativa Intrapresa, Radio Città
      Curated by Antonio Porta, Gino Di Maggio,
      Jean-Jacques Lebel, Mario Giusti, Gianni Sassi
2a. "Polyphonix 5 Italia" Poster
      Colored offset on white paper, 99 x 68.5 cm
2b. "Milano Suono" Poster
      Colored offset on white paper, 99 x 68.5 cm
2c. "Polyphonix 5 Italia" Booklet
      pp. 26, 24 x 17 cm
2d. Photographic documentation
      W. Vostell, "Kleenex", No. FXPH0038
      "Polyphonix 5 Italia" is considered
       the 2nd Edition of "Milano Poesia
       See also Polyphonix No. PVC2433

3.   Milano Poesia III  
      Cortili del Palazzo del Senato, 26 May - 1st June 1984
      Organized by Cooperativa Intrapresa,
      Ente Autonomo Milano Suono, Rivista Alfabeta
      Curated by Gianni Sassi, Antonio Porta, Mario Giusti
      Colored offset on white paper, 98 x 68.5 cm

4.   Milano Poesia IV
       Rotonda della Besana, 27 May - 2 June 1985
       Organized by Cooperativa Intrapresa,
       Ente Autonomo Milano Suono, Rivista Alfabeta
       Curated by Mario Giusti, Antonio Porta, Giovanni Raboni,
       Gianni Sassi.
4a. Poster
       Colored offset on white paper, 98 x 68.5 cm
4b. Poster wit program
       Colored offset on white paper, 98.5 x 69 cm
4c. Flyer
       B/w offset on white paper, 24 x 34 cm
4d. Photographic documentation, No. FXPH0695
       and "Dissonanzen, quartet for Mozart", No. FXPH0052

5.   Anteprima Milano Poesia
       Università degli Studi di Milano, May 28 1986
       Organized by Cooperativa Intrapresa,
       Ente Autonomo Milano Suono, Rivista Alfabeta
       Curated by Mario Giusti, Antonio Porta, Giovanni Raboni,
       Gianni Sassi
       B/w offset on paper, printed on both side, 57 x 49 cm

6.   Milano Poesia V
      Rotonda della Besana, 25 - 31 May 1987
      Organized by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa,
      Ente Autonomo Milano Suono, Rivista Alfabeta
      Curated by Mario Giusti, Antonio Porta, Giovanni Raboni,
      Gianni Sassi
6a. Catalogue
       Published by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa, Milan
       pp. 96, 24 x 17 cm
6b. Program of "Concierto Zaj"
       Juan Hidalgo, Walter Marchetti, Esther Ferrer, No. FXC1673
6c. Photographic documentation
       of Joe Jones' performance:
       "Tribute to George Maciunas" No. FXPH0061

7.  Milano Poesia VI  
      Rotonda della Besana, 19 - 25 September, 1988
      Organized by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa,
      Ente Autonomo Milano Suono, Rivista Alfabeta
      Curated by Mario Giusti, Antonio Porta, Giovanni Raboni,
      Gianni Sassi
7a. Catalogue
       Published by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa, Milan.
       pp. 79, 24 x 17 cm
7b. Poster
       Colored offset on white paper, 97 x 67.5 cm
7c. Poster with program
       Colored offset on white paper, 47.5 x 33 cm
7d. Photographic documentation
       W. Marchetti, "Natura Morta (1979)", No. FXPH1387

8.  Milano Poesia VII
      Ansaldo, 18 - 24 September 1989
      Organized by Nuova Cooperativa Intrapresa,
      Ente Autonomo Milano Suono
      Curated by Mario Giusti and Gianni Sassi
8a. Catalogue
      Containing photos and biographies of various artists
      pp. 208, 24 x 17 cm
8b. Poster
      Colored offset on white paper, 69.5 x 25 cm
      Signed by Ben Patterson
8c. Two self-stick labels
       Black and red printed on white, 23 cm
8d. 2 Fluxus and Zaj brooches
       Printed plastic,  Ø 5.5 cm.
8e. Video documentation
       of Concert Fluxus, length 58'42"
       Video cassette VHS and DVD copy
       Edited by Nuova Intrapresa and
       Stilo, Studio Azzurro, Milan 1990
       Images: G. Barresi, R. Nanni, L. Scarzella
8f.  Photographic documentation
       by F. Garghetti No. FXC0017
       various sizes
8g.  Gli anni di Demetrio
        Photos and biographie of Demetrio Stratos
        pp. 68, 24 x 17 cm
8h.  Donne in poesia 1989
        Photos and biographies of various women artists
        pp. 64, 24 x 17 cm
8i.   Event announcement
        Printed cardboard on both sides
        21 x 10.5 cm
       Video and photo program notes:
       - E. Williams, "Musica", No. FXM0526-2
       - A. Hansen, "Homage to Joseph Beuys", No. FXM0434
       - G. Hendricks,"Quartet for earth", No. FXM0589
       - K. Friedmann, Untitled, No. FXM0596
       - T. Saito, "Silent music", No. FXM0619-1
       - M. Knížák, "Untitled", No. FXM0634      
       - J. Mac Low, A. Tardos, "Untitled", No. FXM0637
       - E. Andersen, Untitled, No. FXM0632
       - G. E. Simonetti, "A solo per lame di..", No. FXM0646
       - B. Patterson, "Variation for Double Bass", No. FXM0257-7
       - P. Corner, "Passages from the material...", ,No. FXM0635
       - W. Vostell, "Fluxus symphony for 40 tape..", No. FXM0648
       - N. J. Paik, "Untitled", No. FXM0602
       - B. Vautier, "Concert for Serge III", No.
       - G. Brecht, "Incidental Music", No. FX1765-2
       - G. Brecht, "Drip music, variation", No. FXM0641
       - G. Brecht, "Piano Piece 1", No. FXM0485-1b
       - R. Watts, "Two inches", No. FXM0341-1c
       - G. Maciunas, "In memoriam to Olivetti", No. FXM0325-4b
       - R. Koering, "Tombeau pour Boulez"          
       - J. J. Lebel, "Homage to Rembrandt"
       - J. Hidalgo, "Alzar los brazos", No. FXM0572
       - J. Hidalgo, "Paisajes, Gimnasias..", No. FXPH1392-2
       - E. Ferrer, "Acción para 36 sillas, 36...", No. FXPH0043
       - W. Marchetti, "Cementerio Zaj", No. FXPH1390
8l. Photographic documentation about the festival backstage
       Five b/w photos by F. Garghetti No. FXC0017
       various sizes and each signed
       With B. Vautier, G. Di Maggio, B. Patterson, G. Hendricks,
       K. Friedman, G. E. Simonetti

9.   Milano Poesia VIII  
       Ansaldo, 8 - 14 October 1990
       Organized by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa,
       Ente Autonomo Milano Suono
       Curated by Mario Giusti and Gianni Sassi
9a. Catalogue
       Published by Mazzotta Editore, Milan
       photos and biographies of various artists
       pp. 200, 24 x 17 cm
9b. Poster
       Colored offset on white paper, 69.5 x 25 cm
9c. Piatto
       Published by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa, Milan
       Printed ceramic dish, diameter 30 cm
       Numbered 124/250
9d. Jean-Jacques Lebel - Svuotare/Riempire
        colore offset on white paper, 99 x 68 cm
9e. Photographic documentation
       of Joe Jones' performance:
        "Joe Jones on the floor" No. FXPH0040

10.  Milano Poesia IX
       Ansaldo, 30 September - 6 October 1991
       Organized by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa,
       Ente Autonomo Milano Suono
       Curated by Mario Giusti and Gianni Sassi
10a. Events program
        Folded printed paper, 21 59,5 cm (open)
10b. Photographic documentation by F. Garghetti No. FXC0017
        - M. Knížák, "Warm up with poetry" No. FXPH0002
        - W. Marchetti, "Musica da camera No. 211" No. FXPH1388

11.  The Disappearing pheasant. Italian poetry today
       Event program. Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York
       Printed folded paper, 21 x 10 cm

12.  AA. VV. '92 Vedo, Sento, Parlo.
       La formazione dei nuovi linguaggi

       Nuovo Museo Archeologico, Teramo
       Catalogue of the event. pp 40, 24 x 17 cm

13.   Milano Poesia X  
        Spazio Ansaldo, 5 - 11 October, 1992
        Organized by Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa
        Curated by Mario Giusti and Gianni Sassi
13a.  Poster (large)
         Black offset on four white sheets, 99.5 x 69 cm each
         Total dimension, 99.5 x 276 cm
13b. Poster
         Colored offset on white paper, 69.5 x 25 cm
13c.  Catalogue
         Published by Mazzotta Editore, Milan
         pp. 143, 24 x 16.5 cm
13d. Events program
        Folded printed paper, 21 x 59.5 cm (open)
13e. I piatti per la poesia
        Book edited by E. Zattone
        Published by Università popolare aperta Novigrad-Cittanova
        Unnumbered pages, 25.5 x 17 cm
13f.  Maastricht Rijnsburg
         "La critica della cultura e la nascita dei nuovi saperi"
         Event postcard, 14,5 x 10,5 cm

14.  Thesis degree, 2002-2003
        "Milano Poesia (1984-1992). Attraverso la fotografia
         di Fabrizio Garghetti"
         pp. 176 and tav XV, 29.5 x 20 cm

See also Book no. PVC1560












5. front

5. back















8e. video

8f. T. Saito "Silent Music"

8f. "A Solo per lame di coltello"

8f. "Incidental Music"

8f. "Drip Music, variation"

8f. "Piano Piece No.1"

8f. "Tombeau pour Boulez"

8f. "Concert for Serge III"

8f. Ben Vautier & others

8f. "Paisajes, Gimnasias..."

8f. "Cementerio Zaj"

























