
Beuys, Joseph

Book (29 Schede)

Code FX1829   Edition

Edition Posters


1. Rose for Direct Democracy, 1972, No. 0144E
    Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
    Colors offset on white card-stock, 83.5 x 59.5 cm
    Photo by Wilfred Bauer, showing J. Beuys at Documenta V, Kassel, 1972
    See also Postcards, No. FX1556 -1

1.bis Sitting in front of your TV, 1972
    Published by Verlag Udo Breger, Göttingen
    Offset lithograph on cream wove paper, 40 x 46.5 cm
    Numbered 70/150 and signed
2. Vitex Agnus Castus, 1973
    Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg and
    Modern Art Agency, Naples
    Color offset on paper, 60.5 x 44 cm
    Numbered and signed
    Photo of the action performed at Modern Art Agency, Naples, June 15, 1972

3. Vertrieben, 1974
    Published in Düsseldorf
    B/w offset on white paper with blue ink
    "FIU" rubber-stamp, 40 x 30 cm

4. Löwe, 1975
    Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
    B/w silkscreen on paper, 70 x 100 cm
    with rubber stamp.
    Photo: Klaus Staeck

5. Joseph Beuys als Titelbild de Wirtschaftswoche, 1976
    Published in Düsseldorf
    Colors offset on white glossy paper, 60 x 42 cm
    Photo: D. Schwille

5.bis Düsseldorf. Beuys - Heine - Wilp, 1977
    Published in Düsseldorf
    Color offset lithograph and silkscreen,  63 x 87.5 cm
    Signed by Beuys, Heine and Wilp
    Numbered 83/100

6. Beuys, 1978
    Published by Galleria Santoro, Rome
    B/w offset on pink paper, 99.5 x 68.5 cm
    Photo: Katja van den Velden

7. Joseph Beuys, 1978
    Published by Achberger Verlagsanstalt, Achberg
    B/w offset on paper, 60 x 50 cm
    with two red rubber stamps

8. In Head and in Pot, 1978
    Published by Edizioni Factotum-Art, Verona  No. PVC0245
    B/w offset on paper, 100 x 70 cm
    Numbered XIII/XXX

9. Coyote, 1978
    Color offset on white paper, 84 x 60 cm
    Photographic documentation of performance, 1974
    by Caroline Tisdall, Welsh Art Council, Cardiff
    See also Coyote, No. FX0300

10. Kunst = Kapital, 1979
      Published on the occasion of "10 Jahre Capital - Kunstkompass",
      Galerie Denise René / Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf
      Black offset on white paper, 84.5 x 59.5 cm

11. Mensch, Du hast die Kraft zu Deiner Selbstbestimmung, 1979
      Published by The Free International University
      Color offset on paper, 86 x 61 cm
      Photo: Liselotte Strelow

12. Der Unbesiegbare, 1979
      B/w offset on white paper, 100 x 69.5 cm
      Photo: Ute Klophaus

13. Der Unbesiegbare. Bei dieser Wahl: die Grünen, 1979
      Published by The Free International University, Germany
      Colors offset on white paper, 88 x 63 cm
      Photo: Ute Klophaus

14. Spuren in Italien, 1979
      Published on the occasion of exhibition at Kunstmuseum, Luzern
      B/w offset on paper, 94.5 x 69 cm. Signed
      Photo: Bruno Del Monaco
      See also Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -55

15. Joseph Beuys und die Medizine, 1979
      Published by F. Coppenrath Verlag, Munster
      Edited by Axel Hinrich
      Colors offset on white paper, 59.5 x 41.5 cm

15.bis Joseph Beuys. Multiplizierte Kunst, April - May 1979
     Exhibition at Haus Püsch, Bielefeld
     B/w offset on white paper, 42 x 59 cm
     Before imprinting the exhibition announcement Beuys took
     aside some ‘raw’ posters and signed them later.
     See also Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -54

16. Meeting of Lady Roseberry, Joseph Beuys
      and Buckminster Fuller
, 1980
      Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
      Colors offset on white paper, 68 x 86 cm
      Signed and numbered 90/400
      Published on the occasion of conference "Black & white oil conference"
      at Gallery's Edinburgh Arts project, 1974
      Photo: R. Lebeck

17. Joseph Beuys.
      The Scottish Symphony - Celtic Kinloch Rannoch
, 1980
      Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
      Six colored photos printed on cardboard, 140 x 31.5 cm
      Signed and numbered 72/200
      Photo documentation of action performed during the
       Edinburgh International Festival in 1970

17.bis Nur noch 2425 Tage ...., 1980
     Published by Lucrezia De Domizio
     B/w offset on white paper, 68 x 48.8 cm
     Signed and numbered 17/150

18. Beuys is here, 1980
      Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
      B/w offset on white paper, 41.5 x 28 cm

19. Three Pots Action, 1980
      Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
      B/w offset on white paper, 77 x 91.5 cm
      Photographic documentation of the action performed in 1974

20. Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys, 1980
      Published by Galleria Lucio Amelio, Naples
      Color lithograph on white paper, 69 x 47.5 cm
      Published on the occasion of the event organized by Lucio Amelio, April 1st.
       Photo: Mimmo Jodice

21. GDR Paper Bag, 1980
      Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
      Colors offset on walnut paper, 61.5 x 43.5 cm

22. Countdown 2000, 1981
      Published by Committee 2000, Hamburg / München
      Colors offset on white paper, 87.5 x 63.5 cm
      Signed and numbered 1879/2000
      Computer calendar up to year 2000, corrected by the artist

22.bis Difesa della Natura-Clavicembalo, 1981
      Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
      and  Yvon Lambert Paris
       Black offset on white paper, 99.5 x 67.5 cm
      Signed and numbered 233/2000

23. New beginnings are in the offing, 1981
      Published by Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh
      Black offset on white cardboard, 61 x 42 cm
      Signed and numbered 143/400

24. In Ilverich roch es damals noch nach Gras, 1981
      Published on the occasion of exhibition at
      Galerie Ilverich, Meerbusch-Ilverich
      B/w offset on paper, 42 x 30 cm
      See also Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -76

25. Natale a Gibellina 1981, 1982
      Published by Tipolito La Buona Stampa, Ercolano
      Colors offset on white paper, 71 x 51 cm. Signed
      Photo: Mimmo Jodice

26. Joseph Beuys - 7000 Eichen, 1982
      Published by Free International University
      B/w offset on white paper, 60.5 x 85.5 cm
      Photo showing the performance during the festival Documenta 7, Kassel

27. F.I.U. Joseph Beuys - 7000 Eichen, 1982
      Published by Free International University
      Colors offset on blue paper, 61.5 x 43 cm
      Published on the occasion of the action performed during the festival Documenta 7,
       Kassel, June - Sept.
       Photo by W. Kraus

28. Suche nach dem sinn, 1982
      Red offset on chromolux cardboard, 45.5 x 65.5 cm

29. Vorsicht Kunst!, 1982
      Published by Klaus Staek, Heidelberg
      Colors offset on white paper, 59.5 x 84 cm
      Signed to the right on back

30. Gespräch über Bäume, 1982
      Published by Galerie Magers, Bonn
      Designed by B. J. Blume
      Color offset on white paper, 60 x 42 cm
      30 pieces realized
      Signed by Beuys and Blume
      Published on the occasion of the event with Joseph Beuys and Bernhard Johannes Blume
31. Bonn braucht Kunst Halle Joseph Beuys, 1983
      Published by Kunst Halle, Bonn
      Colors offset on white paper, 84 x 59.5 cm
      Signed and numbered 14/100

32. J. Beuys. Difesa della Natura - Bolognano 1983, 1983
      Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
      Colors offset on white paper, 60 x 82 cm
      Photo: Bubi Durini
       See also Joseph Beuys. Difesa della Natura, No. FX0819

33. a. J. Beuys. Difesa della Natura, 1984
      Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
      Colors offset on white paper, 55 x 78 cm
      b. J. Beuys. Difesa della Natura, 1984
      Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
      Colors offset on white paper, 60 x 82 cm. Signed
      Two copies in collection one signed and one unsigned
      See also Joseph Beuys. Difesa della Natura, No. FX0819

33. bis 7000 Querce, 1984
      Published by Edizioni Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
      Colors offset on white paper, 69.5 x 31.5 cm
      Two indivisible posters
      Signed and numbered 5/150

34. Fettstuhl 1964, 1984
      Published by Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt
      Colors offset on white paper, 90 x 64.5 cm
      Photo: Eva Beuys
       See also Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556 -1

35. Fond II 1968, 1984
      Published by Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt
      B/w offset on white paper, 87.5 x 64.5 cm

36. Manifest, 1985
      Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
      B/w offset on white paper, 84 x 59.5 cm
      See also Joseph Beuys - Postcards, No. FX1556 -1

37. Tag X. Verhindert die
      Atommülltransporte ins Wendland
, 1985
      Black offset on yellow paper, 59 x 42 cm
      with the handwritten printed text "Kunst ist...", May 8, 1985

38. Beuys in Amerika, 1985
      Published by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
      Colors offset on white paper, 58.5 x 83 cm
      See also Postcards, No. FX1556 -1

39. Beuys - Blume: Natürlich, 1985
     Published by Galerie Ilverich, Düsseldorf - Meerbusch
     Designed by B. J. Blume
     Colors offset on beige paper, 60 x 42 cm
     Numbered 27/200
     Signed by J. Beuys and J. Blume
     Published on the occasion of the collective exhibition with
     Joseph Beuys and Bernhard Johannes Blume, May-June
     See also Joseph Beuys - Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -112

Bbl. J. Beuys. Poster's catalogues, published by Prestel Verlag, Münich, p 71.






















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