WOMEN in FLUXUS & Other experimental Tales.Eventi, Partiture, Performance.
Magnani Palace, Reggio Emilia, 10th November 2012 - 10th February 2013
With its special contribute to "WOMAN IN FLUXUS" exposition, BONOTTOARCHIVE presents its online Collection, which includes more than 5000 art works. During the 2013, Bonotto Archive will become a Foundation with the aim to publish Fluxus and Visual Poetry's activity. In occasion of the same exposition, the Archive and "Flaneur&Dust" publisher present DREAM: special edition realised with Yoko Ono, key Fluxus artist.
Fluxus is 50 years old and Reggio Emilia, Italian epicenter of Fluxus, can't abstain from the celebrations. In 1970, Rosanna Chiessi founded here "Pairs&Odd": publisher and events, festivals and esibitions' organization. So, since 1970 for 20 years more, all the biggest Fluxus characters converge among Reggio Emilia and the near Cavriago.
Scientific commission composed by:Bonotto,Boragina,Cavalchi,Chiessi,Franceschini.