JOSEPH BEUYS. "A REVOLUҪÃO SOMOS NOS!" (We are the Revolution!)

Sao Paulo. Brazil. 15th of September 2010 - 28th of November 2010


The show "Joseph Beuys – La Rivoluzione siamo noi” groups 250 works performed between 1964 and 1986 and presents posters, multiples and videos (with their historical performances).
Organized by the Associazione Cultural Videobrasil / SESC, during the 29th Sao Paulo International Biennial, the show "Joseph Beuys – La Rivoluzione siamo noi” groups 250 works performed between 1964 and 1986 and presents posters, multiples and videos (with their historical performances).Organized by Solange Oliveira Farkas and Antonio d' Avossa, the show presents, for the first time, 200 posters carried out by the German artist belonging to the collection of Archivio Bonotto. Specially, the poster “Conclamacao para uma alternativa global (Appeal for an alternative)”, prepared by the artist during the Sao Paulo Biennial of 1979. “Invitation to a global alternative”, says D'Avossa, Art Academy of Milan, it is not a modest objective, assigned to Beuys “deletes the ideological wall between east and west and fills the gap between north and south...”.

After Sao Paulo, the show will be in Salvador de Bahía, since 11th of December 2010 to 13rd of February 2011, and finally in Mexico City.

Sesc catalogue SP Edicoes.

Associacao Cultural Videobrasil – Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina 1150 Cep 05305 – 002 Sao Paulo – Brazil
Ph. +55 11 3645 – 0516

Sesc Pompeia
Rua Clèlia, 93

Museo de Arte Moderna da Bahia
Av. Contorno, s/n°, Solar do Unhão, Salvador, Bahia


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Voci & Voci / Poesia & Poesia.L'avventura sonora del verso poetico.

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SPOTSHOTBEUYS | Silke Grabinger

SPOTSHOTBEUYS | Silke Grabinger

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Fondazione Bonotto participates in the Book Talk program

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"La poesia ti guarda". Omaggio al Gruppo 70 (1963-2023)

01/12/2023 - 05/05/2024 | Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Rome
