ornada Internacional de Poesia Visual: Pesquisa e Criação

8 - 13 November 2021


The I Jornada Internacional de Poesia Visual: Pesquisa e Criação placed from 8 to 13 November 2021

The International Symposium received international researchers and poets to discuss and trace a historical and critical outlook of the movements and procedures that constituted Visual Poetry and its variations.

Patrizio Peterlini discussed on November 12, talking about the peculiarities of Italian verb-visual research. During the 20th Century, numerous poets engaged in a radical renewal of poetic language, through the deconstruction and reconstruction of the basic elements of language itself.

Here the link to see the discussion: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZMHU_CWkxU

The purpose of the event is to bring together artists and scholars in order to promote critical thinking and expand the relationship between practitioners of visual poetry at a global level.

The official languages of the event are: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian, in line with the multilingualism and internationalism that traditionally accompany the practice.

See the program: www.jornadadepoesiavisual.com/


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Voci & Voci / Poesia & Poesia.L'avventura sonora del verso poetico.

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