Prix ​​littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Center Pompidou

19 September 2020 - 11.30 Forum 1


Prix ​​littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Center Pompidou
19 September 2020 - 11.30 Forum 1

Fondazione Bonotto and Centre Pompidou announce the winners of the Prix Bernard Heidsieck-Center Pompidou 2020. The jury members of the Prix littéraire Bernard Heisieck-Center Pompidou have selected Gerhard Rühm and Kinga Toth as winners of this 2020 edition. Fondazione Bonotto commission has chosen to award the “Prix Mention Spéciale Fondazione Bonotto” to the American poet and artist Richard Kostelanetz.

Three prizes were awarded during the day:

1) The PRIX 2020 recognizes an author for the relevance and quality of his literary creation for the year 2020 has been assigned to KINGA TOTH (1983, Sárvár, Hungary), writer, artist, poet and performer.

2) The PRIX D'HONNEUR Bernard Heidsieck-Center Pompidou, which recognizes the remarkable value of a lifetime of artistic work, was awarded to GERHARD RÜHM (1930, Vienna, Austria), an important and historical figure in experimental poetry.

3) The PRIX MENTION SPÉCIALE FONDAZIONE BONOTTO was awarded to the writer and critic RICHARD KOSTELANETZ (1940, New York, USA).

The Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck-Center Pompidou, awarded last year to Cia Rinne, Clemente Padin and Franz Mon, aims to honor and reward more and different forms of creation and dissemination of literature, often different from the book: sound poetry, performances, conferences - performances, readings, film-poems, radio creations, literary exhibitions, digital literature, etc. Placed under the name of the poet Bernard Heidsieck, a true pioneer of sound poetry, this award thus affirms its great singularity.


KINGA TOTH (1983, Servar, Hungary)
Poet, performer and artist, Kinga Toth writes and publishes short stories, poems and plays in Hungarian, German and English. Musician, singer, visual and sound poetess, she presents her work in international performances, exhibitions and installations. His work has been published internationally in numerous magazines and newspapers. Already nominated for the Bernard Heidsieck-Center Pompidou Literary Prize in 2018, her international publications include collections of poems: PARTY (PRAE, 2013, Hungary; BIRDS LCC, USA 2018), All Machine (2014), Village 0-24 (Melting Books, 2016), Wir bauen eine Stadt (Parasitenpresse 2016) and a catalog of visual art: Textbilder (GEDOK, 2016-2017).

By awarding him the Prix 2020, the jury of the Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Center Pompidou intends to consecrate the quality of a work that is built at the crossroads between literature and art, and which has undergone a very strong stage evolution in the last two years. Kinga Toth's work resonates deeply with the contemporary world and its problems, especially the technological ones.

GERHARD RÜHM (1930, Vienna, Austria)
A leading figure in experimental poetry, writer, sound poet, visual artist, composer, drama-thurgist, editor, etc. Rühm was one of the founding members of the “Wiener Gruppe”, considered the first Austrian avant-garde movement, the forerunner of Viennese actionism. Rühm belongs to the classics of modern German literature, whose borders widen in the direction of the visual arts and music, introducing notions such as "visual music", "sound poetry", "gestural drawing" ... His vast and varied visual work, influenced by Expressionism and Dadaism, often incorporates materials of everyday life, cut out and restructured into complex compositions. Rühm's works are often found on the border between music, language, gesture and visual. His sound works are outstanding examples of innovative radio pieces. His work has been recognized with numerous prizes and awards: since 1978 he is a member of the Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg.

By awarding him the Prix d’honneur, the jury of the Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Center Pompidou intends to dedicate a historical figure, an aesthetic adventurer of experimental poetry, at the crossroads between visual arts and musical composition

American poet, writer, avant-garde artist, critic and curator, Richard Kostelanetz was born in New York in 1940. With his literary production and visual poetry he introduced new grammatical and expressive codes that have been defined over the years. 60 as "radical and intolerant". Famous for his prose, short stories and historical contribution to visual poetry, Richard Kostelanetz uses devices such as linguistic connections, number sequences, puns, alliterations, parallelism, constructivism and minimalism that challenge the reader.


Jacques Donguy, art critic, poet and translator

Permanent members
Nathalie and Emmanuelle Heidsieck, daughters of Bernard Heidsieck
Patrizio Peterlini, Bonotto Foundation
Bernard Blistène, Directeur du Musée national d’art moderne Center Pompidou
Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, Directeur du Département du développement culturel Center Pompidou
Jean-Max Colard, Chef du service de la Parole Center Pompidou, Directeur Artistique du Festival Extra!

Members of the 2020 jury
Thu-Van Tran, artist
Sally Bonn, docteur en esthétique (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), co-responsible de la Revue N
Martina Corgnati, historian and art critic, professor at the Brera Fine Arts Academy
Paul Bernard, Cabinet de poésie Concrete MAMCO
Michael Batalla, Directeur du CipM Center International de Poésie Marseille
Fabrice Thumerel (literary critic, co-directeur de libr-critique)
Mica Gerghescu (Bibliothèque Kandinsky Center Pompidou)

Fondazione Bonotto Special Mention Commission
Luigi Bonotto (President of the Bonotto Foundation)
Lorenzo Bonotto (Bonotto Foundation Board of Directors)
Giovanni Bonotto (Bonotto Foundation Board of Directors)
Patrizio Peterlini (Director of the Bonotto Foundation)
Sonia Puccetti Caruso (President of the Luciano Caruso Archive)


Prix ​​de l'année: Caroline Bergvall
Prix ​​d’Honneur: John Giorno
Méntion Spéciale Bonotto Foundation: Lamberto Pignotti

Prix ​​de l'année: Fia Backström
Prix ​​d’Honneur: Michèle Métail;
Méntion Spéciale Bonotto Foundation: Alain Arias-Misson

Prix ​​de l'année: Cia Rinne
Prix ​​d’Honneur: Clemente Padin
Méntion Spéciale Bonotto Foundation: Franz Mon


The Fondazione Bonotto's support for the Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Center Pompidou stems from the desire to give new light and relevance to this extended field of literature, in all its declinations and artistic expressions. In fact, it represents the contemporary and diversified evolution of artistic expressions that have had their maximum development with the practices of experimental poetry collected by Luigi Bonotto.




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