11 September 2019, 8.30pm - Forum 1 Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris


Fondazione Bonotto has the pleasure to announce the third edition of Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck -Centre Pompidou born in 2017 from the collaboration between Fondazione Bonotto and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Centre Pompidou, awarded to Michèle Métail, Fia Backström and Alain Arias-Misson in 2018, aims to honor and reward multiple and diverse forms of creation and dissemination of literature, often other than the book: sound poetry, performance, performance-conference, reading, film-poem, program radio, literature exhibited, digital literature, etc. Placed under the sign of the poet Bernard Heidsieck, a true pioneer of sound poetry, this literary prize of the Centre Pompidou thus affirms its great singularity.

Fondazione Bonotto and Centre Pompidou are pleased to announce the winners of the Prix littéraire Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou 2019.

1) PRIX D'HONNEUR Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou, which recognizes an author for the remarkable aspect of his entire work, is awarded to:

CLEMENTE PADÌN (Born in Lascano, Uruguay, 1939)

Clemente Padìn (born in Lascano, 1939) is a Uruguayan poet, performer, designer and multimedia artist. He is also an important theoretician of poetic practices from the historical avant-gardes. In the 1960s, he was one of the initiators of mail art in Latin America. In 1966, he created the magazine Los Huevos del Plata, which sets the tone for a resolutely modern poem reinventing itself outside the formalisms of the time, and which appears political.

The artist's political commitment and his work, which often staged speech prohibited or forbidden by the political forces, will be worthwhile for him to be put in prison from 1977 to 1979 by the military dictatorship, to then be placed in supervised freedom until 1984. The Prix littéraire Centre Pompidou Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou is awarded to him 40 years after his release from prison.

By awarding him the Prix d’honneur, the jury of Prix littéraire Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou intends to give value to an influential figure on poetry and contributing to increase his international public recognition.

2) The PRIX 2019 Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou recognizes an author for the relevance and quality of his literary creation, was assigned to:

CIA RINNE (born in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1973)

Cia Rinne is a poet living in the south of Berlin. Born in Göteborg (Sweden), she grew up in Germany and studied philosophy in Frankfurt, Athens and Helsinki. Her minimalist texts are written in several languages and reduce philosophical and linguistic questions to sound sequences by causing changes of meaning. Her performances, exhibitions and sound installations are presented in Europe and around the world, as recently the sound work leçon du mot [le son du mot] (with Sebastian Eskildsen, 2018) at the Glyptothek in Copenhagen.


FRANZ MON (Born in Frankfurt, Germany, 1926)

Franz Mon (born in 1926 in Frankfurt, where he still lives) is one of the pioneers of concrete and sound poetry in Germany. As a child, it was used during the war to aid air defense, and he discovered the artistic modernity forbidden by the Nazis by reading a literary review in an allied prison camp. Later, he changed his German surname Löffelholz to MON, a palindrome that evoked him “MON NOM” in French. In response to the abusive use of the language under Nazism, his poems, his prose and his radio pieces combine a minimalist concentration on a language viewed with suspicion, where he manifests an expression at the same time grave and absurd of the human being. Close to the movement of concrete poetry of the 1950s, he remains a radical solitary who believes in a critical function of experimentation.

The messages received from the artists could not be to the Prize

Clemente Padìn

“A memory for Bernard ...
I met Bernard Heidsieck epistolally back in the 60s of the last century and I was touched to learn that an experimental-sonorous poet had won the French National Prize for Literature ... it was an absolutely unusual event for any country ... those awards always, always Traditional poets won ... later, thanks to DOC (K) S, Julien Blaine's magazine, I got in touch and Bernard sent me some of his fantastic albums in exchange for our modest OVUM 10 magazine in the 70s. which gave us the possibility of spreading these new literary forms in our countries. Then, because of my imprisonment under the Uruguayan dictatorship (7 years), I lost sight of him until the sad news of his death came to me and the beginning of his legend that year after year is reborn in these awards supported by the Fondazione Bonotto.. totally grateful, I have no words to express my admiration and respect for his legacy, not for the simple experimentation with the forms, the eternal empiric, but for what it means to give in to an attitude of change and renewal of reality in all its orders ... The contents are always the same over time, what changes are the ways in which they express themselves …”

Franz Mon

"In the beginning I asked myself, what is my literal material?
Of course the text, the script - but also the voice. The invention of the magnetophone had begun to make it literature-capable. The radio stations offered themselves as media. In the post-war years, a cosmos of acoustic poetry of its own developed.
The material way of thinking also took hold of the other instrument of language: letters. They are not only word-signs, but also mental-signs, autonomous entities with which literary textures can be created that are just as readable on a house wall as on a sheet of paper.
The eyes and ears have been opened up in our time to such a completely new world of experience, which is international. The languages remain, but are no longer borders, as each of us can discover.
I am delighted with the fact that Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Centre Pompidou exists.  It is a new appreciation of all the many literary productions that no longer refer only to book publication.
My most sincere thanks to Fondazione Bonotto and Centre Georges Pompidou for honouring this tradition as well as my contribution to it."


The winners

Clemente Padìn (born in Lascano, 1939) is a Uruguayan poet, performer, designer and multimedia artist. He is also an important theoretician of poetic practices from the historical avant-gardes. In the 1960s, he was one of the initiators of mail art in Latin America. In 1966, he created the magazine Los Huevos del Plata, which sets the tone for a resolutely modern poem reinventing itself outside the formalisms of the time, and which appears political. There he published his first poems, collected under the title Los Horizontes Abiertos, were published in a collection in 1967 (translated into the Al Dante collection under the title Horizons ouverts). From the first num-bers, we find among the tutelary figures Antonin Artaud, Ezra Pound, Vicente Huidobro and Sade. After four-teen issues and three books, the magazine stops in November 1969 with, in cover quote: "to create a world, we must destroy a world". The following month, in December, he launched a new review: Ovum 10, which is inter-nationalist, experimental, revolutionary and in solidarity with social movements. As for Padìn's poetry, is mov-ing towards visual, semiotic, conceptual, performative, multimedia, contextual and environmental poems. From then on he will continue to lead an activist life on all fronts, both aesthetic and political. He publishes, exposes, organizes, performs, theorizes... unceasingly, still today.
The artist's political commitment and his work, which often staged speech prohibited or forbidden by the politi-cal forces, will be worthwhile for him to be put in prison from 1977 to 1979 by the military dictatorship, to then be placed in supervised freedom until 1984. The Prix littéraire Centre Pompidou Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou is awarded to him 40 years after his release from prison.
By awarding him the Prix d’honneur, the jury of Prix littéraire Bernard Heidsieck-Centre Pompidou intends to give value to an influential figure on poetry and contributing to increase his international public recognition.

Cia Rinne is a poet living in the south of Berlin. Born in Göteborg (Sweden), she grew up in Germany and studied philosophy in Frankfurt, Athens and Helsinki. Her minimalist texts are written in several languages and reduce philosophical and linguistic questions to sound sequences by causing changes of meaning. Her performances, exhibitions and sound installations are presented in Europe and around the world, as recently the sound work leçon du mot [le son du mot] (with Sebastian Eskildsen, 2018) at the Glyptothek in Copenhagen. Her books have been published in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Canada, and have been published in a single volume in France (ZAROUM and notes for soloists, Le Clou dans le fer 2011). In November 2019, the opera for which Cia wrote the libretto (Trial & Eros) will be staged in Copenhagen.

Franz Mon (born in 1926 in Frankfurt, where he still lives) is one of the pioneers of concrete and sound poetry in Germany. As a child, it was used during the war to aid air defense, and he discovered the artistic modernity for-bidden by the Nazis by reading a literary review in an allied prison camp. Later, he changed his German surname Löffelholz to MON, a palindrome that evoked him “MON NOM” in French. In response to the abusive use of the language under Nazism, his poems, his prose and his radio pieces combine a minimalist concentration on a language viewed with suspicion, where he manifests an expression at the same time grave and absurd of the human being. Close to the movement of concrete poetry of the 1950s, he remains a radical solitary who believes in a critical function of experimentation. He himself published other experimental poets with his small publishing house and participated in the "Symposium of New Poetry" in Bielefeld (annual from 1978 to 2003). Alongside his poetic texts, he regularly publishes reflections on poetry and theoretical studies. At the same time, it combines visual and verbal by tearing collages of photos and words, as well as modulations and overlaps of enlarged isolated letters.


Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Centre Pompidou
11 September 2019

Extra !
Le festival de la littérature vivante

11-15 September 2019

Centre Pompidou, Paris
Forum -1, Petite salle
Free admission

List of nominees for the Bernard Heidsieck Literary Award - Center Pompidou 2019
Véronique Aubouy (videographer, author of the project "Proust lu", since 1993 - France)
Alessandro Bossetti (poet and composer - Italy)
Jean-Michel Espitallier (writer - France)
Heike Fiedler (poetess, author, artist - Switzerland)
Anna Holveck (performer - France)
Christina Linaris-Coridou (poetess and artist - Greece)
Violaine Lochu (sound performer - France)
Cia Rinne (poetess - Finland)
Pierre Tilman (poet and artist - France)
Ye Mimi (poet and videographer - Taiwan)

Esther Ferrer, artist

Nathalie & Emmanuelle Heidsieck, Bernard Heidsieck's daughters
Patrizio Peterlini, Fondazione Bonotto, patron of Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Centre Pompidou
Kathryn Weir, Directrice du Département du développement culturel, Centre Pompidou
Bernard Blistène, Directeur du Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou
Christine Carrier, Directrice de la Bpi (Bibliothèque Publique d’information), Centre Pompidou
Jean-Max Colard, Chef du service de la Parole, concepteur du Festival EXTRA !
Aurélie Olivier, Programmatrice du Festival EXTRA !
Demosthenes Agrafiotis, poet and artist
Anne-James Chaton, writer
Martina Corgnati, art historian and art critic
Hung Hung, Director of Taipei Poetry Festival
Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, Director if Département culture et création
Cristina de Simone, University professor

Commission Méntion Spéciale Fondazione Bonotto
Luigi Bonotto (President Fondazione Bonotto)
Lorenzo Bonotto (Board of directors Fondazione Bonotto)
Giovanni Bonotto (Board of directors Fondazione Bonotto)
Patrizio Peterlini (Director Fondazione Bonotto)
Sonia Puccetti Caruso (President Archivio Luciano Caruso)

Fondazione Bonotto's support to the Prix Littéraire Bernard Heidsieck - Centre Pompidou was born from the desire to give new light and relevance to this enlarged field of literature, in all its declinations and artistic expressions. It represents in fact the contemporary and diversified evolution of the artistic expressions that had their greatest development with the practices of Experimental Poetry collected by Luigi Bonotto.




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