Walter Marchetti - Concerto per la mano sinistra in un solo movimento (1994)

Teatro Out Off, Milan - February 22, at 21.00


Fondazione Bonotto and Teatro Out Off pay homage to Walter Marchetti with "Concerto per la mano sinistra in un solo movimento (1994)", performed by the pianist Reinier van Houdt in the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the theater's activity. The idea of the concert comes from the wish to remember the most important performances in the historic theatre, among which Zaj Group.

From the first performances in 1977 “Segreto a squarciagola” and “Fotografie, ambienti e altre cose” together with Juan Hidalgo and Esther Ferrer, with which he founded the Zaj Group joining music and thetare action, to the press conference for the concert "Empty Words" by John Cage, friend and point of reference for Marchetti's music, to the festival Musicalia in 1982, with “Nei mari del Sud”, “Perpetuum mobile", to the show Limitrofie 2 in 1985 with “Musica da camera n. 76” and to the sounds for the show “Dialoghi di profughi” by Bertold Brecht realized in 1994 together with Arturo Reboldi and Gianni Emilio Simonetti.

Walter Marchetti - Concerto per la mano sinistra in un solo movimento (1994)
22 / 02 at 21.00
Teatro Out Off

Via Mac Mahon,16


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