Fondazione Bonotto at III VIPAW

Palazzo Mora, Venice. December 10/17, 2016


Fondazione Bonotto participates for the third year to the III Venice International Performance Art Week with three specific exhibition projects, in line with the experimental path of the new exhibition and communication strategies to spread the concept and works of Fluxus and Concrete, Visual and Sound Poetry belonging to Luigi Bonotto Collection.

The exhibition is an homage addressed to some artists, whose actions managed to give a new interpretation to reality: Charlotte Moorman & Nam June Paik; Arrigo Lora Totino and Giovanni Fontana.
Fontana will be present with a Live Performance at the opening, on December 10.

Charlotte Moorman & Nam June Paik

The collaboration between Charlotte Moorman (1933-1991), American cellist and artist, and Nam June Paik (1932–2006), American artist originally from Korea, internationally considered as video art's father, reached the main results around 1960-1970, and lasted until Moorman's death.
Fondazione Bonotto's homage presents some documents about their collaboration, focusing on the performance “26' 1. 1499 for a string player” (1955) by John Cage, present in several performances by Paik and Moorman and in several others video works.

Arrigo Lora Totino

In the tribute to the artist from Turin, recently passed away, know as one of international sound poetry's father, we present some illustrative artworks for his research: some “Cromotetture”, the series of “Fotodinamiche Simultanee” and several documents about “Poesia Liquida” and “Poesia Ginnica”.

Giovanni Fontana

On the occasion of VIPAW, some works on paper “Certi Discorsi” will be presented as a reinterpretation of the painting "La predica di San Paolo" (1574) by Jacopo da Ponte present at Sant'Antonio church in Marostica.
Then, Fontana will be protagonist of the opening with the performance “Epigenetic Poetry”.

III Venice International Performance Art Week
10/17 December 2016

Opening: December 10, 2016
with a performance by Giovanni Fontana

Opening Hours:
from Saturday 10 to Saturday 17 December 2016
from 10.00 to 22.00

Palazzo Mora
Strada Nuova 3659


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