Poetry Vicenza 2025. Forms of Border Poetry
From 12 to 23 March 2025
Atelier 2014
For the second consecutive year, Fondazione Bonotto participates to the project Atelier in collaboration with Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa.
Thanks to this project, the assignees of BLM ateliers are going to view the important Fluxus and Concrete, Visual, Sound Poetry collection of Fondazione Bonotto.
In line with the experience of first edition, focused on Artist's Books, also this year young artists from Bevilacqua La Masa's ateliers will have to re-interprete the historical materials following their own artistic attitude.
This time the main theme is Sound Poetry, connected to the development of musical experimentations started by John Cage.
That practice has been chosen as subject because of its very strong influence on Fluxus world and textual-visual research, but also because it's the starting point for recent experimentations about relationship between word, space and sound.
Starting from March, the project is organized in dates and meetings, bringing artists strictly near the Bonotto Collection and its materials.
From May 19th, the artists from Bevilacqua La Masa ateliers will visit Fondazione Bonotto during short residence periods and they'll get access to the documentation about Sound Poetry and Fluxus music archived inside Luigi Bonotto Collection.
In that way, artists will be able to choose one object and to dialogue with it, following their own art vision.
In that context, the project will be supported by the very special collaboration with one of the main Sound Poetry protagonists: Giovanni Fontana.
Eclectic artist, poet of body and voice, interested on intermedia and synthesis, author of many essays (for example, "La Voce in movimento", 2003; "Italian Performance Art", 2015).
With him, it will take place a workshop on Sound Poetry practice, expressly ideated for artists. In June there will be a conference open to the public at Palazzetto Tito, where Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa is based.
Thereafter, suggestions adopted by Atelier's assignees will be published as artist's book, containing works in form of writing, score or visual work. This material will be the subject of an exhibition project in 2016.
The BLM artist residence program is one of the oldest programs in Europe and through the years it has been evolved. This institution is now a favorite observatory for the most interesting art experiences in Triveneto, and it's also one of the most important Italian realities involved in young artists' support.
The Atelier's purpose is the same for the two institutions, deeply bound in promoting the contemporary art thinking, also thanks to the great success of the first collaboration last year, under Artist's Books theme, concluded with the exhibition Fluxbook: from the Sixties to the Future, which had a really positive press and public response (more than 3000 visitors during less than two months).
Artists selected for Atelier BLM 2015 are:
Valentina Furian, Enej Gala, Riccardo Giacconi, Caterina Morigi, Francesco Nordio, Miriam Secco, Davide Sgambaro, Sebastiano Sofia, Matteo Stocco, Valerio Veneruso, Christian Manuel Zanon, Annalisa Zegna.
From 12 to 23 March 2025
February 13 - March 23, 2025 - ADI MUseum, Milan
Article by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo on Il Sole 24 Ore
Published by Abscondita. In collaboration with Fondazione Bonotto
October 25, 2024 - Spazio Candiani, Mestre - Poetry Vicenza 2024
October 19, 2024 - March 23, 2025 | MAO Museo Arte Orientale Torino