
Vostell, Wolf

Artist's book (13 work / s)

Code FXM0171   Audio / Edition

Le Cri


1. Score
     Six printed sheets on both side and
     one transparent sheet with black words
     Included in "Fluxus Anthology - 30th Anniversary", 1993, No. FXCM0204

2. Edition
    Published by Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum
    für Moderne Kunst and Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1997
    Cardboard box, 3 x 17 cm. Signed with dedication to Luigi
    - Booklet, 21.5 x 16 cm., pp. 7
    - Audio CD
     of the Fluxus-Concert LE CRI, 1990
     Audio program notes:
      -  "Le Cri" part 1
          Length 30'00"
      - "Le Cri" part 2
         Length 30'00"
     Audio included also in "Fluxus Anthology - 30th Anniversary", 1993, No. FXCM0204

Bibl.: "Vinyl records and covers by artists," exhibition catalogue, Bremen, Barcelona 2005, p.196.

1. Score pg. 1/2

1. pg. 3/4

1. pg. 5/6

1. pg. 7/8

1. pg. 9/10

1. pg. 11/12
